Pro Tools or Cubase? Control Interface: Yay or nay?


New Metal Member
Dec 3, 2003
I've decided to get a fast computer with either running Pro Tools or Cubase on it. Now I'm looking for different opinions on which one to choose. The price-tag will be around the same for what I want to achieve. So which one do people around here prefer and why? (amount and quality of available plugins, ease of use, features,...)

And I'm still uncertain whether to buy a control interface (like digidesign 002 or Yamaha 01x) or not. Will it actually pay off or is the advantage in speed and usability only a slight one or none at all?
to be honest I could work easily without the control 24, just the extra mic pre's that are useful and the speaker selection etc. I'd definately put PT ahead of cubase.
Why? The only thing I find cooler about PT is the ability to do
hardware inserts in channels, but the delay compensation in the
new cubase is rad. I had a da7 for a control surface, it was ok, but I
think I too could go without, the new behringer one for $250 looks
like it might be a defacto ticket since it's so cheap.

Andy Sneap said:
to be honest I could work easily without the control 24, just the extra mic pre's that are useful and the speaker selection etc. I'd definately put PT ahead of cubase.
alphaWave said:
I've decided to get a fast computer with either running Pro Tools or Cubase on it. Now I'm looking for different opinions on which one to choose. The price-tag will be around the same for what I want to achieve. So which one do people around here prefer and why? (amount and quality of available plugins, ease of use, features,...)

And I'm still uncertain whether to buy a control interface (like digidesign 002 or Yamaha 01x) or not. Will it actually pay off or is the advantage in speed and usability only a slight one or none at all?

Andy is absolutely right. If it's between Cubase and Protools then you definately want pro-tools. However, if you want something that can stand up to protools and is cubase style then you should really look into Steinberg's Nuendo.
I think that cubase has come a long way and there are certainly a shitload more vst plugins available. At this point it is mostly a matter of preference-- I definitely don't think that PTLE is the obvious home studio choice that it once was. That said if you have no experience with either program I think protools is a much more intuitive program. Also, protools has been a great benifit to me in terms of taking sessions too and from studios allowing me to (easily) move between my home studio and comercial studios. I don't know that is a huge concern to everyone, but I have found it to be extremely valueable.
I've finally ordered a digi 002 rack-unit. Seeing as how I'm starting with the whole recording-thing, I probably really won't need a control-interface.

Now, I have the problem of which of my already acquired gear to keep. Two of my units I am particularly unsure about:

- TL Audio Ivory 2 5021-stereo-valve-compressor. I bought this thing for guitar but never really put it to use. What do you people think, should I keep this for recording? Are there plugins that do colored compression better than this?
- Alesis PEQ-450 parametric equalizer. Also bought it for guitar-usage, use it sometimes, but not really often. What about the EQs for Pro Tools? Better than that?