Problem with mixing guitar


New Metal Member
Dec 19, 2009
After checking google for some time I've found this forum, Seems like I'm not the only one with this kind of problem, I started to play with cubase and guitar for maybe 1,5 years and I got this problem.
When mixing guitars It seems I can't achieve a nice quality distortion, guitars seem to sound fake and shitty.
For recording I'm using TonePort GX, Washburn W14 guitar and everything is being recorded into cubase. Here's sample:
you and me both
the best tone I ever achieved was with a 8080 valve state and an AKG C414 mic with an EQ pedal in the FX loop.
These days when ever you log on to find out how to get a certain rhythm tone or what ever you need the right pc soft ware.
i had the same problem until i found this forum. Follow these steps and see how it works for you

Download Tube Screamer Secret plugin
Download the TSE X30 amp sim (made by onqel)
Download KEFIR
Download Catharsis Awesome impulses

All these are free and can be found using the searchbar. Run Tube screamer Secret, TSE and kefir as effects on your guitar track.

For tube screamer secret, have the drive at 0, the tone at 8 and the volume at 5
For TSE you can pretty much run everything how it is and get a nice tone, but mess around with it.
In Kefir open up one of the Impulses (i recommend spres_high) Have the mix knob at 100% and leave everything else.

Some tips
-Quadtrack your rythym guitars
-Have an EQ on your rythym guitar bus with a high pass at 75 and a low pass at around 10k-12k
-Play nice and tight and dont forget to change your strings.
-If your really serious about recording i suggest maybe a new guitar and a DI box.

Doing all that is just a way to get started. There are lots of plugins, settings and effects you can use that are out there for free. There is a stickie for a list of amp sims, check it out. Dont blame your gear, research more and find out how everything works and why you do certain things.

Read the stickies and threads on this forum, if you did you wouldnt have posted this thread. There is soo much knowledge on this forum its rediculous.
i had the same problem until i found this forum. Follow these steps and see how it works for you

Download Tube Screamer Secret plugin
Download the TSE X30 amp sim (made by onqel)
Download KEFIR
Download Catharsis Awesome impulses

All these are free and can be found using the searchbar. Run Tube screamer Secret, TSE and kefir as effects on your guitar track.

For tube screamer secret, have the drive at 0, the tone at 8 and the volume at 5
For TSE you can pretty much run everything how it is and get a nice tone, but mess around with it.
In Kefir open up one of the Impulses (i recommend spres_high) Have the mix knob at 100% and leave everything else.

Some tips
-Quadtrack your rythym guitars
-Have an EQ on your rythym guitar bus with a high pass at 75 and a low pass at around 10k-12k
-Play nice and tight and dont forget to change your strings.
-If your really serious about recording i suggest maybe a new guitar and a DI box.

Doing all that is just a way to get started. There are lots of plugins, settings and effects you can use that are out there for free. There is a stickie for a list of amp sims, check it out. Dont blame your gear, research more and find out how everything works and why you do certain things.

Read the stickies and threads on this forum, if you did you wouldnt have posted this thread. There is soo much knowledge on this forum its rediculous.

Thanks for instuctions :)
Going to check them out and post reply as soon as possible.
EDIT. Going to change strings today too, I played on my old ones for maybe a year now.
Seems I can't get the mix right, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong T_T
I had put it as instructed, but guitars still sound fake, I think it has to do something with panning and eq, or maybe my guitar just suck.

EDIT. I want to achieve guitars like here, maybe not same tone but they sound more 5.1 than stereo >_<

EDIT2. I've tried panning 4 tracks, 2 Rhytm L/R 100% and 2 Lead L/R 60%, but it seems the sound is only louder.
how about you post a sound clip of what you have? its will make things much easier. Also a mix (drums, bass and vocals) can make guitars sound better. Its sounds weird, but a lot of the guitar tone relies on all the other instruments
Seems I can't get the mix right, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong T_T
I had put it as instructed, but guitars still sound fake, I think it has to do something with panning and eq, or maybe my guitar just suck.

EDIT. I want to achieve guitars like here, maybe not same tone but they sound more 5.1 than stereo >_<

EDIT2. I've tried panning 4 tracks, 2 Rhytm L/R 100% and 2 Lead L/R 60%, but it seems the sound is only louder.

Dude, did you just copy and paste the tracks? It sounds like you did.
You need to record 4 SEPARATE takes, not just copy and paste takes.
Also, you're panning is fucked up bro.
2 tracks 100% L/R, 2 tracks 80% L/R,.
Experimentation is key! So try anything between 80 and 90 per cent and see what sounds best to you
Dude, did you just copy and paste the tracks? It sounds like you did.
You need to record 4 SEPARATE takes, not just copy and paste takes.
Also, you're panning is fucked up bro.
2 tracks 100% L/R, 2 tracks 80% L/R,.
Experimentation is key! So try anything between 80 and 90 per cent and see what sounds best to you
Going to do this after I come back from school, still, I was thinking If theres an option to make some subtrack that every other track with guitar will go through it to apply the effect I'm trying to use, because, putting 6 tracks with almost same vst's makes my computer slow down a lot.
Its sounds weird, but a lot of the guitar tone relies on all the other instruments

I'd say a lot of everything relies on everything! :)

Every instrument affects how the others are perceived. You can have a bunch of "budget" instruments sound awesome if you mix them together in such a way that they work together. Alternatively you could have the most über pro instruments in the universe and still make a mix that goes "SUCK" as soon as you press play.
As for old strings, seriously never leave them on for more than 2 weeks. If you can afford it, preferably change them every week. I change mine every 10-14 days.
After a certain point, not only have the strings long since lost their original tone, but intonation problems start building up because the build up of gunk/slight bumps in the string cause it be a little deformed.
So given that, even sludge metal guitarists shouldn't be playing overly old strings either. Obviously strings that are about 2-3 weeks old might even sound better for that style of music, but it has to be within the time range that the intonation doesn't suffer.
Dude, did you just copy and paste the tracks? It sounds like you did.
You need to record 4 SEPARATE takes, not just copy and paste takes.
Also, you're panning is fucked up bro.
2 tracks 100% L/R, 2 tracks 80% L/R,.
Experimentation is key! So try anything between 80 and 90 per cent and see what sounds best to you

Maybe I'm not a pro, but is there a point in recording same section 4 times ?
I panned guitars too like said, still i get harsh tone most of time.
Here's next sample:
The whole point of quad-tracking is that you record it four times, thats what gives it the thicker sound, because if you just copy and paste the same track, the wave pattern's will be the same, so it will just get louder.
ALWAYS quad track if you plan to have 4 rhythm parts that are the same. Same for double tracking, never copy and paste, always record two separate takes.
Each time you do a different take, you will never pick exactly the same as the previous time, and all the subtleties build up and it makes things sound bigger and "wider", instead of just louder.
If I had the patience to (and could afford to), I'd definitely change my strings every 2 weeks under regular use! Instead, it's usually every 1-1.5 months
hell i'll leave the same strings on a guitar for a year or so if i'm not going to be recording or playing live with it!