Problem with mixing guitar

I change my strings in three cases

1) string breaks. self explanatory, usually its easy to change them all then anyways as you have to open a new package of strings anyway.
2) when starting recording for real. you can demo stuff with even two year old strings, I actually think my bass strings are older than that (but I have boiled them in 2008 last time)
3) before a gig or in the first few days of a short tour. not gonna happen in near future
I like to change my strings when I can, but I only really change them when I have to! Like when I break a string or something. But at the moment my guitar only has 5 strings and 2 springs in the floyd rose! I like detuning though and don't really ever use the plain strings so if one of those break, I don't give a shit because sludge metal doesn't need them!
I like to change my strings when I can, but I only really change them when I have to! Like when I break a string or something. But at the moment my guitar only has 5 strings and 2 springs in the floyd rose! I like detuning though and don't really ever use the plain strings so if one of those break, I don't give a shit because sludge metal doesn't need them!
your guitar is gonna get uncalibrated in no-time :p