Problem with my EMG's...


Jan 10, 2005
I have an EC-1000 with the dual 81 setup. For the past couple of weeks I have noticed something odd with the pickup in the neck. I have replaced the battery like 3 times, each one was a different brand, and still the same results. The bridge pickup works fine, but when I throw the toggle into the neck position the neck pickup sounds like the battery is dead. I can post a clip later on today after work, but it is starting to drive me nuts. It's like it isn't getting enough juice or something. Again...the bridge pickup sounds fine, works as's just the neck. Anybody have some ideas?

Also, something that irritates me real bad - when I was giving my guitar basically an overhaul (cleaning the frets, getting all the dust out of everwhere, etc.) I noticed that my 81's do not have the QuikConnect connections. Which means if I were to replace the 81 in the bridge for an 85, which I want to do, I would have to solder stuff together. Not a big deal, soldering is easy for me...I just wish it had the QuikConnect though, makes it so much easier.

That's odd, my EC-400 has the Quik Connect, at least in the bridge. And as for your problem, all I can think is maybe a solder came loose, cuz I doubt there's much that can go wrong in a pickup, especially such a (relatively) new EMG.
Check the solder. I had a problem like that before.

Also, I have seen pickups sound like the battery is dead when in internal electronics are simply dirty. Not as noticeable as the soldering problem, but that will add more noise to the pickup and will sometimes make a crackling noise.

hope that helps
i've got an ltd ec-1000 as well. i know with mine i have separate volume knobs for each pickup. perhaps it's a problem with the volume pot and not the pickup.