problems in cleveland :/

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
dimmu borgir cancelled due to a plane prob in chicago, so then only one that made it at the end was barker, who was incredibly drunk but funny. hypocrisy was really good, and stuck to their older stuff. c.o.b. stole the show in my opinion. the set was AMAZING. i havent seen such a freaking talented keyboardist since mustis
the neverboys were perfect as well. highlights included smyths solo on sound of silence, and jeff was dead on in the river dragon. they played engines, 7 tongues, i voyager, eor, narco, not sure if i missed anything else
anywho, its really late, ill write more accuratley tommorw when i can see \m/
yes but they didnt make their set longer..that would have been a real treat for some people...although you Ohio fucks got Inside Four Walls...that makes me sad because i really wanted them to play that for us...
yeah I was a little disappointed Dimmu couldn't make it, but as long as Nevermore is I'm more than satisfied

definitely an awesome show

question though for anyone who was there...where the hell was the merchandise? were they selling any? it wasn't where it usually is, at least not before i went into the theater. maybe they didn't bring it out til after they started letting people into the theater?
I dunno, but i was hoping to buy some stuff
I'd like to buy that huge Nevermore backdrop thing during Nevermore's set heh..that was awesome
Zolkarn said:
The merchandise was in the usual area, however for some reason they didn't set up a bands merchandise until they were actually on stage it seemed. All I know is it kept growing as I stumbled to the bar and I was able to pick up a shirt after I failed to acquire a pick from the floor hehe.
damn! figures, i didn't go out there at all once the show started, i really wanted to get a shirt