Problems with Saxon Shirts


New Metal Member
Mar 19, 2003
Hasn't someone got remarks about the Saxon Eagle sitting on the wheel, as if it was some kind of Nazi symbol.
I live in Holland in the north of Limburg where Neo Nazi's are a item at the moment.
Sometimes people think it is a nazi symbol on my shirt.
Olbahat said:
... people think it is a nazi symbol on my shirt.

Thats because it is !!! Just kidding...I know where your coming from though, people get arrested here for wearing 'cradle of filth' shirts, serves them right for listening to that shite if you ask me!
Olbahat said:
Hasn't someone got remarks about the Saxon Eagle sitting on the wheel, as if it was some kind of Nazi symbol.
I live in Holland in the north of Limburg where Neo Nazi's are a item at the moment.
Sometimes people think it is a nazi symbol on my shirt.

Yeah we have mentioned it on here before Olbahat. The Saxon eagle is facing the other way, so it is not entirely the same. The Saxon eagle has nothing to do with the Nazi's, so there is no story here.
Paxoman said:
Yeah we have mentioned it on here before Olbahat. The Saxon eagle is facing the other way, so it is not entirely the same. The Saxon eagle has nothing to do with the Nazi's, so there is no story here.

I thought that the Eagle facing the other way was just another way of saxon diguising the Nazism?? Same as they do by never singing about it?

Im joking of in a very silly mood today sorry!!
Olbahat said:
Hasn't someone got remarks about the Saxon Eagle sitting on the wheel, as if it was some kind of Nazi symbol.
I live in Holland in the north of Limburg where Neo Nazi's are a item at the moment.
Sometimes people think it is a nazi symbol on my shirt.

Goeiedag landgenoot! Yes I know some people can't even see the difference between a monkey and a cow...I know a lot about Nazi symbols and rune-signs and I never mixed this up with the Saxon Eagle. Some people jut havent got that brain cells that are needed to see difference ... That is the same with the Strong Arm of the Law album when you look inside that album you see a picture (Left side middle foto in top)with Biff and Gill standing in front of a Swastica-Flaggon, next to 2 German soldiers. One from the Luftwaffe (Orange on his uniform) and one from the Wehrmacht. Does that make them Nazis???? No of course is just a picture made at a museum of WW.2, its just 2 blokes interesting in that kind of that history which Biff loves a lot, just like Scarret said in the interview that Biff always has something with history...and puts it n a song lyric. But I must say I like the drawings of al that Rune-signs-symbols. The swastica, or the Otilla-sign are to me estheticly (=beauty) nice symbols, of course not the ideologie (=ethic) that lies behind it. but even such difference some people cannot make, that is just lag of knowledge and lag of using brains...
Mmmm... An interesting subject, Olbahat. I was not on the forum when this subject was previously discussed, so I appreciate your intelligent offering here!
HeavyCelli - some nice thoughts there. I always find it so fantastic that Saxon have such intelligent fans!!
I, personally, have never seen the connection. Like Valanx said in his own incredible way, you can read anything into something if you can be bothered!
They say that Art reflects life and vice-versa, and I can see the resemblance of the Eagle logo to the Swastica, but this is no evidence that Saxon are Nazis!
If you look up and see a group of clouds, you can make out actual pictures and forms in those clouds that are created by your own perception.
Also, the artist that created the logo (who is that, by the way?) needed to attract the attention of people. To do that you need to take from previous conceptions (like the crucifix etc) in order to obtain that initial attraction that will cause people to stop and notice it. This is all part of marketing on an artistic level.
On another note, Biff has always been interested in history (Machine Gun, Militia Guard anyone?) and I don't see any problem with an intrigue relating to the darker side of our past. That is the kind of stuff that attracts me and I am definatley not a racist, killer or psycho!
Lemmy from Motorhead has the same problem. He is very interested in specifically WW2 German history and he is accused of being a Nazi or racist all the time.
I think it comes down to this: we are all attracted to the subjects that are dark, unknown, fearful and scary.
If you are driving along the road and see an accident incident scene, take a look at how many people are gawping and watching! Why are they doing this?
This is precisely why Horror fiction is so popular. It does not make anyone that is into horror movies (i'm one of 'em!) an axe-wielding maniac!

And, on another level, that is why WW2 history is so fascinating. It didn't happen that long ago - you can actually relate to it - yet it is so hard to comprehend how it all happened.
That is why people like Biff and Lemmy find that period of time so interesting. And because of that interest it is reflected in their music and therefore their artwork!

Anyhoo - that is my opinion!
When I was at college in '94, there were a group of the anti nazi-league who for the first week were camped outside the students union bar, trying to get people to sign up. Having several Saxon t-shirts they were worn everyday of the week....

Not one of them approached me for my signature, and all seemed to look away in disgust.

Stupid f***kers.....
Thanks for sharing that experience, Matrattz. It kind of confirms many things that are problematic with people such as that. I mean, who was acting prejudice then? If I wanted to look at the world from their perspective, I would say that they were being prejudice towards white men that have long hair (that kind of sums up the description of Biff and Co!) - of course, a statement that is completely ridiculous, yet reflects the exact attitude that these people are expressing!
You are then in the realm of 'all attractive women who enjoy going out are sluts' and 'all English working class men are violent, football thugs' - it is these kind of opinions that are prejudice in themselves!
Besides, what the Hell is the 'Anti-Nazi League' anyhow? I'm pretty sure that history, and society itself, has proved that the existence of Nazism was a disgrace and was utterley wrong. Anyone that thinks otherwise is not of the majority!

That leads onto why these kinds of groups of people exist or have a need to give and take so much attention in relation to such topical subjects.
I think the answer is: Boredom!

May I suggest that people such as the 'Anti-Nazi League' go and relieve their boredom by going and getting a f**king job! And yes - I'm using their theory and tactic of brushing people with all with the same brush! It appears to be a method they understand!

Never judge a book by its cover, indeed...

Maybe we ought to set up an association called 'The Anti-Metal-Haters League'?
After all, us Metal-Heads need some form of representation against prejudice, right?
Of course, I'm joking... or am I...?

Sorry for the rant folks, but I went off on one there!!
valanx said:
I thought that the Eagle facing the other way was just another way of saxon diguising the Nazism?? Same as they do by never singing about it?

Im joking of in a very silly mood today sorry!!

Well the second album was originally going to be called 'Wheels Of Panza Divison'! :lol:
Yeah - and I heard that in 1997, Saxon were to release an album called 'Unleash The Nazi', but Biff was talked out of it by his management. Due to Marketing issues, Biff reluctantly agreed to a change in the album title, but he had the final laugh by sending members of the management to a facilty named 'Biff's Concentration Camp'. Mysteriously, these people were never heard of again...
'Wheels Of Panza Divison' !! lmao

Nightwar- Yeah that story is true! It is however not very well known.... I think i read about it in NaziKerrang a few years back, whatever happened to that magazine eh!

Also The album "Strong arm of the Wehrmacht" ran into similar difficulties before its release and the name was subsequently changed, its a good think Saxon dont let these small issues affect their 'message' too much! :lol:
My daughter asked my about that one day when I had my Wheels of Steel shirt on. And just the other day my wife made a comment about it.

I gave them both the "Hail Biff" salute and marched away singing Power and the Glory.
nightwar said:
I hope the march was that straight-legged walk - you know? Monty Python style!!

Funny as fook!!! Pure Class! whatever happened to great british comedy eh?
....Hugh Grant my arse!!!
Ive a few saxon shirts, it amazes me how many stares you get when walking down a road with a metal shirt on, yet when someone goes past say in a britney for example, no one blinks an eyelid!
'cradle of filth' shirts, serves them right for listening to that shite if you ask me!

Hey careful now, Metaliser et al will be jumping down ur thraot and calling you ignorant for saying that without a dissertation on the subject
What really annoys me is when you get celebraties and such wearing classic Metal/Rock t-shirts - like Led Zep, AC/DC, Sabbath etc.
It's so obvious that these stupid children have not got a clue what the act is, let alone have a couple of albums. For some reason, it's became a bit of a fashion thing.

The funny thing is that a few celebraties have embarrased themselves because of it. One TV presenter (he wasn't relevant enough for me to remember his name!) had a shirt on with a Rock band. When a caller innocently asked him if he was a fan, the presenter said "Oh, yeah! I love 'em" (or something like that). The caller then asked what the presenter's favourite songs by the said band was.
There was then a highly embarrasing silence... and a squirming TV presenter!
All I can say is 'Tosser'!

Lizzie - yeah, I notice quite a few people take second looks at my T-shirts. And I agree, there is never any attention made when a kid wheres a Britney top or whatever. But although it is a bit discomforting to have people stare, I think this is a good thing. I mean, its like a way of advertising your favourite bands. Obviously, crap like Britney and Co don't even gain that initial interest. What a shame, eh?
Gregger said:
Hey careful now, Metaliser et al will be jumping down ur thraot and calling you ignorant for saying that without a dissertation on the subject

Indeed lmao !

..Anyway, yeah i remember that cocksucker robbie williams wearing a Motley Crue shirt! He needs a good kicking for so many reasons but that just took the piss!

Personally i think i would be quite comfortable in a Britney or similar...I would never wear a t-shirt with her on though!!!

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