Procrastination Redux


Undercover Shredder
Sep 8, 2003
So, here I am, at 6:42 on a tuesday night. I have yet again managed to procrastinate on writing a major paper for my english class - yes, it IS due tomorrow. Way to go Steve... also I have my English final tomorrow and i have been home all damn day and haven't done shit.. not a damn thing.

yeah, life sucks - i fucking hate english - only two more years of that shit before i satisfy my gen. ed requirements for it...
i already did my share of procrastination last night, and ill be doing it again tomorrow night for my ap essay
I have some English homework to do, as well... stuff on quotes from To Kill A Mockingbird. And some Geometry stuff, too. My parents went to my sister's chorus concert (damn perfect child that my parents really wanted...) and my mom's going to pick up a Harper Lee book from the library that I need... and plus I'm sitting here at the computer, freezing my ass off, suffering this monster headache... and procrastinating. So, yay for me.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
I have some English homework to do, as well... stuff on quotes from To Kill A Mockingbird. And some Geometry stuff, too. My parents went to my sister's chorus concert (damn perfect child that my parents really wanted...) and my mom's going to pick up a Harper Lee book from the library that I need... and plus I'm sitting here at the computer, freezing my ass off, suffering this monster headache... and procrastinating. So, yay for me.

I guaruntee you i will be up all night - even though i have to get up at 5:00 in order to drive an hour to get to school on time and take my fucking exam - so technically, it would be a good idea for me to have this done by midnight - that gives me 4 hours and 15 minutes
Guerrilla said:
I own all your asses, I gotta make a fairly big website by Thursday and all I have done is the splash page.

I don't know - considering I've had since errr.... October to formulate and write this paper - i might win
yeah, im going to go do my fucking bullshit homework for my bullshit course before i just cant do it anymore and end up failing the class because i got a zero on the final paper

fucking bullshit man

i'll see you all tomorrow night im sure
Ophidian_ said:
I have you guys beat...I have a Database Fundamentals final tomorrow at 1pm and I haven't studied yet!

nope, i have my english final at 7:30 am tomorrow and i haven't studied - plus i have this fucking paper due at 7:30 as well

so ha