Profanity has gone too far...

I hate him...but I'm starting the get some of his jokes now. Its fucking hilarious seeing this stupid shit....the insults thrown at him are even better. Sometime it gets annoying though. Sorry to feed the troll :erk:.
Let's all dedicate a silent minute and our best hopes to IainDuncanSmith's continued mental health.

In other news, profanity continues to cause a riot. Laughter and outrage in equal amounts today could be observed at the general chat forum, as the neo-profanists and anti-profanists clashed in a stunning battle of wits. Need I tell you faithful readers, this was a fearful sound, as if a thousand starving beavers beat their tails and heads against a giant hollow treetrunk, and it made a mighty lot of noise, although any real world implication or effect has yet to be observed. We have tried, to no avail, to get hold of a participant to hear first hand what this great commotion is all about. Perhaps next time, the brave combatants of this intellectually supreme league will grace us with a few words of stunning enlightenment, or even a full comprehensible sentence! This would be a marvel indeed!

Also, we usher cautiousness unto all godfearing subscribers as a terrorist of northern origin has recently been spotted wreaking financial havoc and worldwide depression among us. Avoid all things white, red and green at all costs, and be sure to keep your constitutional shotgun loaded.

For now, this ends tonight's issue of the Radio Free Mars newsflash. We bid you a comfortable and frightful evening.
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Reactions: Taliesin
Can we see any more pictures of her breasts? I enjoy breasts - licking, touching, creaming, or simply LOOKING - breasts are sent by God almighty to make me feel good.
Susie, if you're reading this - let's see them eh? Make me a happy man? :p
Don't go there Susie! Don't be A SLUT! TakinTheMusicBack is a wicked evil man for asking such things without asking for your hand in marriage first.
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TakinTheMusicBack said:
Can we see any more pictures of her breasts? I enjoy breasts - licking, touching, creaming, or simply LOOKING - breasts are sent by God almighty to make me feel good.
Susie, if you're reading this - let's see them eh? Make me a happy man? :p

What makes you think Susie would want to make you a happy man?

I guess by your comment you didn't get what you asked for Christmas. Poor you,no tit fucking either!
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Oh here we go again with the stupid ugly crazy lady trying to get into a bizarre conversation with me. Still, at least you've managed to be coherent for once. :Smug:

You would miss me if I didn't talk to you!
Btw,you're the ugly one,remember I'm pretty when I'm standing beside you,as in pretty ugly is what people say when we're together.
Yes, what is it Xenophobe?

Indecent proposal and lewd conduct says a lot about people. While both have perfectly legitimate real world applications, neither is appropriate here.
