Profire 2626 vs Saffire Pro 40

Profire 2626 vs Saffire Pro 40

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Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Searched through a lot of the same topics as this on other forums and nobody has given out any solid information on the difference in quality of these units.

Im mainly intersted in the conversion and pre quality.

Which would you choose if you had to? rated the Focusrite as better than the M-Audio. That and a few other reasons are why I chose the Focusrite.

Also you can get a B stock on eBay for $350... WAY better price than I've seen for any M-Audio gear.
A few months back i was choosing between those two units.
I ended up buying the Saffire Pro 40.

no regrets whatsoever.

As i was researching both units I found almost nothing negative being said against the Saffire, whereas there were a lot of users having severe problems with the Profire,
two of the most widespread being the random BSODs on Windows and problems with Latency drift.

M-Audio admitted to the problems on their support forums, and yet over 2 years down the line they are still being sold without any warnings.


I would not, under any circumstances, by an M-Audio Profire.
I'll take my Focusrite Saffire with me to the grave.
Always like it when there is a clear winner so far :)

My plan is to get this "mid-range" interface and get 1 really good pre later on.

Good things about both of these units, with the Saffire I already know how to use the software, its got the peak meters, MIDI, good customer service etc...

Profire, pad on every channel, ability to use PT, double the ADAT of the Saffire....
Zero troubles whatsoever with my Profire on OSX 10.6.2 and the extra 8 channels of ADAT are pretty important, plus I run Pro Tools quite often so I need the compatibility...

The Saffire is a slick unit though, I actually like the 2 front mounted inputs, makes it a lot easier to connect stuff when tracking guitars or vocals in the control room. I want an Octopre Mk II just for that reason (plus the pads, my current Octopre doesn't see the gain knobs on the preamps ever leave 0...)
Just got a profire, great pre's and conversion, no problems whatsoever. From what I know nearly everyone on the forum that has one doesn't experience any problems.

While I can't compare it to the focusrite, I'd say there has to be some reason for the price difference. Be careful.
The pro 40 I really would not call "mid range" and the pres are absolutely fucking superb on it!

I am so in love with my pro 40. I had an M-box before this and the difference is unbelievable. I have a buddy with a Profire and he complains about the latency drift quite often. For the price I don't think you can touch the Saffire with a 900ft pole. I got really lucky finding one on the local craigslist for $300. I am so happy I decided to get it. The interface is straight forward and very easy to use. The routing options are endless and having 2 dedicated headphone outs make tracking awesome!
Just to state; NO... I've never had any problems with my Profire. But I would opt for the Saffire if I had to pick again. The bigger input meters on the front are very useful looking, and the dim and mute button for the master are cool too.

Also, the knobs on the Saffire don't look as fragile as the ones on the Profire.
Yeah thats another plus for the Pro 40, I own the Liquid Saffire 56 now so I know the pre's are quality, but ive never been able to try a Profire before to compare....but the amount of hype the Profire gets ive been considering it in my choice. Im downgrading the 56 purely because I don't "need" all of its features and can put the money saved toward something more useable! :)
Yeah definitely. Coz most of the time, I only use one or two of the inputs on my Profire. When I take my recording setup elsewhere with me (practice space for instance) the eight inputs come in handy. But I mostly use input 1 and 2 - and front mounted would be more convenient.
Yeah definitely. Coz most of the time, I only use one or two of the inputs on my Profire. When I take my recording setup elsewhere with me (practice space for instance) the eight inputs come in handy. But I mostly use input 1 and 2 - and front mounted would be more convenient.

Yeah exactly, I mean I still want the 8 pre's because im looking to move south and if I can get some bands in I will hopefully be able to track some live drums. Im using like 2 of the ones I have now....and the liquid channels don't really warrent the extra price of the unit *for me at least*.
the thing that annoys me about the pro 40 is having the two mic inputs on the front and the remaining 6 on the rear of the unit, fair enough having the two at the front, but they should at least be doubled up and put on the back aswell, if it's to just be used as pres and convertor, it just looks a bit messy in the studio if you are gnna be using 8 chanels and want them hooking up to tie lines

only a minor thing though lol
Never heard of this latency drift with the 2626... I haven't noticed any such thing. Also, at least on my G5 with OSX10.5.8, have had absolutely zero issues so far with it. I've been completely impressed by this unit. The switch from a MOTU 8Pre to this was a completely obvious night and day difference, nothing subtle about it at all. Haven't tried the Pro40 but I did own a Saffire Pro 26i/o for a while which sounded great. Really can't go wrong with either units at all, it's really down to which one would fit your needs more - in this case the Pro40 seems to fit the bill even if only for the 2 front mounted inputs you seem very keen on.
Would prefer them at the back really but I don't mind for the price. I usually have a XLR always linked up for mic'ing duties and another input with my Redeye in there. Always handy to whack a short lead in the front for having a quick setup for online gaming :D