Profire 2626 vs Saffire Pro 40

Profire 2626 vs Saffire Pro 40

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It is possible to connect an external preamp to the Pro 40 right?

Yes, but you cannot bypass the pres, as far as I'm aware (judging based on the LS56), whereas you can on the Profire 2626. It's up to you whether this matters. Personally, I use my Liquid Saffire 56 all the time, and only connect my Profire 2626 through ADAT if I need more inputs.

Explanation: on the Profire, you can go external pre>line in>A/D converter
On the Saffire, it goes external pre>line in>preamp>A/D converter
I can only speak as an owner of the Saffire Pro 40, I haven't been working with any Profires.

I just want to say, that all the cons of my Pro 40 were gone after the last driver update.

There's a few things that the Profire has and Pro 40 doesn't, though, and those are:

- Profire has twice as much ADAT channels

- *removed*

If these don't bother you then get Pro 40. There are more or less apparent plus sides on the Pro 40 like the sturdier hardware and the handy LED input meters, etc.

I sometimes have small problems figuring out the MixControl software, but that's just because I'm an idiot. Haven't heard anyone else having problems. I can't figure out how to set the internal loopback to route the audio of another application into my DAW, but that's not really a huge loss IMO, and likely not that hard to do either.
probably has already been said but in my opinion the focusrite is better sound quality is pretty comparable but alot of people are getting alot of BSODs with the 2626 and the pro 40 is quiet a bit cheaper only downfall is the single adat channel
Profire has 48V for all channels separately, while Pro 40 only has two buttons, activating phantom power on either channels 1-4 or channels 5-8.

actually no, it's the same

the internal loopback to route the audio of another application into my DAW
I'm pretty sure that routing isn't available on any interface. You find it on cheap soundcards though, a 'what you hear' function. I have a S/Pdif cable between my soundcard and profire so I can use pro tools and skype and send audio between either one easily.

I'm kinda tempted to switch to the focusrite myself, except then I wouldn't have a pro tools interface anymore which is still essential for me.
The only problem I have with the 2626 is the occasional glitchy recording or playback which I haven't been able to track down the cause of after 2 years. I DO really like the interface and often recommend it. Works perfect on Mac, just not on my PC.
Yes, but you cannot bypass the pres, as far as I'm aware (judging based on the LS56), whereas you can on the Profire 2626. It's up to you whether this matters. Personally, I use my Liquid Saffire 56 all the time, and only connect my Profire 2626 through ADAT if I need more inputs.

Explanation: on the Profire, you can go external pre>line in>A/D converter
On the Saffire, it goes external pre>line in>preamp>A/D converter

Ah I see, would this has a negative effect on anything? Ive never used any external gear so im totally noob-worthy with the connections! Is this that "standalone" feature ive heard about?

Ah the Loopback is a killer feature, ive used it alot to get tracks off myspace/youtube and the likes just tracks it straight into the DAW. Thats another plus for the Pro 40.

Want to hear a little more about how an external pre might change the situation though...
actually no, it's the same

Yeah? I haven't been around one, but I looked at a picture and it looked like there was a separate pull-switch for each channel's gain

I'm pretty sure that routing isn't available on any interface. You find it on cheap soundcards though, a 'what you hear' function. I have a S/Pdif cable between my soundcard and profire so I can use pro tools and skype and send audio between either one easily.

Well, they're saying that routing is possible, for that exact purpose... it's called internal loopback. But I haven't been able to figure it out.
Ah I see, would this has a negative effect on anything? Ive never used any external gear so im totally noob-worthy with the connections! Is this that "standalone" feature ive heard about?

Ah the Loopback is a killer feature, ive used it alot to get tracks off myspace/youtube and the likes just tracks it straight into the DAW. Thats another plus for the Pro 40.

Want to hear a little more about how an external pre might change the situation though...

Well, the negative affect is simply the "color" of the internal pre being applied to your high-end pre signal. The pres are designed to be as clean and flat as possible, though, as far as I understand it, so it shouldn't really matter. But, most people run external pres straight into a converter, which simply isn't possible on the Focusrite. I know on the LS56, even with gain on the minimum, you're getting a +13dB boost. So you're boosting a signal you already put through a pre, and with an "inferior" pre. Might not actually affect the sound audibly (again, since these pres are designed to be clean and not colored), I just thought you should know.

I would probably still buy the Focusrite if I were you.
Well, the negative affect is simply the "color" of the internal pre being applied to your high-end pre signal. The pres are designed to be as clean and flat as possible, though, as far as I understand it, so it shouldn't really matter. But, most people run external pres straight into a converter, which simply isn't possible on the Focusrite. I know on the LS56, even with gain on the minimum, you're getting a +13dB boost. So you're boosting a signal you already put through a pre, and with an "inferior" pre. Might not actually affect the sound audibly (again, since these pres are designed to be clean and not colored), I just thought you should know.

I would probably still buy the Focusrite if I were you.

Damn thats a bit of a bastard...can you do that on the L56?
Ive been reading up on this and it seems everybody agrees you can run an external pre through the Pro 40's preamp with the gain on 0 (unity) and you will still hear the external pre shine through. So I think the Pro 40 is going to be the one I go for.

But look at that vote turnaround! 11/10 to the Saffire :\
Really there's not going to be much in this at all. They're both mid level pro-sumer interfaces, neither of which is trying to add any colour/character to your signal.

Just check out the features and see which appeals to you more. I doubt there'll be any audible difference in the pre's/converters.
All else being equal, this is the best price I've seen on a Profire 2626: $550. And this is the best price I've seen on a Saffire Pro 40: $350. It seems to me the consensus is that they both kick about equal amounts of ass... and since the Saffire is $200 cheaper, it is the obvious option :)

I mean, I haven't noticed any downgrade in quality from my RME Fireface to the Saffire. I'll almost certainly be getting another one to expand this with ADAT, as soon as I find myself needing more than 8 inputs.
Id be getting it from Thomann (Pro 40), because thats slightly cheaper than getting it from a UK store. Shame about the $350! Its £360 minimum here!
Ive been reading up on this and it seems everybody agrees you can run an external pre through the Pro 40's preamp with the gain on 0 (unity) and you will still hear the external pre shine through. So I think the Pro 40 is going to be the one I go for.

But look at that vote turnaround! 11/10 to the Saffire :

Just curious, where did you read this? And no, you can't bypass the pres on the LS56. And I imagine it's the same on the Pro 40, but 0 isn't unity on the LS56. On the line inputs, 0 is -10dB.
Just curious, where did you read this? And no, you can't bypass the pres on the LS56. And I imagine it's the same on the Pro 40, but 0 isn't unity on the LS56. On the line inputs, 0 is -10dB.

Im sure it was something like that "home recording" forum or something. It was a recent thread but there were also a few other threads pretty much saying the same.

There were some talks about maybe 9'o clock was unity and what not....but 0 seemed to be favoured in the end.