Profire 610 = Best 500 dollar doorstop I've ever bought.


Sep 12, 2006
I am going to stick this thing up my cat's ass.

No matter what I do, I don't believe I'm getting the sound out of it I should be.
The input knobs on it seem very "loose" and fidgety. Trying to gage where I should be with the knobs is a bitch. I try to play to get a decent level, then I palm-mute, and WHAM... clip city.

Put my SM57 on it, I get no reading until I've got the gain all the way, and I'm screaming....

Can I put a compressor in-front of the inputs, or throw a RedEye into it?
The sound on it alone seems very hollow, and incorrect...

Anyone else have some input, or own this thing who'se had problems?
There is something wrong with that particular unit man. That is not at all the experience I have had with my 2626, nor two of my friends that have the 610. If it is still under warranty or within the 30 day return period most places have, I would highly suggest exchanging it for another unit. That is not typical performance you can expect from that interface.
+1, no animal crualty please, your cat does not work for Maudio !

Anyway, it's almost 100% sure you have a faulty unit, which in itself is already pretty strange. My 2626 worked flawlessly, and still does, not to mention its preamp has a lot of headroom when singing in a Sm58 or 57.

Totally return it man.
No, my cat rules.... I'll just do it if she pukes in one of my guitar cases (again.) ...I rule with an iron fist.

Secondly, I'm screwed.... M-audio can't find my registration information. (nor can i now.) And I can't get the 1 year warranty w/o it. Which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I have my reciept, I have my CC card, but they can't find the registration info....
Jesus... It's under warranty, but they don't like to exchange things... nice. So Guitar Center can't exchange it, but I have the pro-plan on it. I call Avid, they have me call GC, who has me call somewhere else, who has me call Avid. ...To send it for repair... I don't want repair... I WANT A NEW ONE. FML.

funny side note, the first kid i talk to a Guitar Center tells me "Oh, we can't exchange it, they'll probably just have you take a picture of it, and they'll send you a check to buy a new one......" Makes perfect sense to me..
Awesome, just get that shit repaired and go back to making music dude. At least you can get it repaired in the first place.
2626 and 610 are two very very different beasts....
while the 2626 is actually a decent mid level interface, the 610 is indeed an expensive doorstop....sadly.
i had my 610 for like 2 weeks, then i bit the bullet and went rme ff400...never looked back.
there's just too many issues with it. the whole thing feels very amateur-ish. i guess it's fine if you're just doing some songwriting demos or something.
I actually paid 300 for it, not 500... I forgot. Secondly, it could be "rose-colored glasses" but I had an old EMU-0404 PCI, and that thing seemed to sound better to me... although it was 99 bucks.