Prog Metal


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Didn't see a thread dedicated to Prog, so here we go.

I know the definition is argued sometimes, so play it by YOUR ear. It's all good.

Just came across this one today, and almost deleted the email without listening because of the band name, Tylor Dory Trio.

Glad I took the time to check it out, it's quite awesome:

It's labeled: For fans of Porcupine Tree, Opeth, Devin Townsend, Dream Theater, Rush. I can see that - this particular tune I'd say Dream Theater, Alice in Chains and Devin's Ziltoid material.
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I would love recommendations on bands that are similar to Arch-era Fates Warning, Irae Melanox by Adramelch and Winter Kill by Slauter Xstroyes. I don't like anything in progressive metal that isn't in a similar vein to those albums.
Does jazz prog metal count? I've been into this stuff lately. Aside from Cynic, Atheist, Pestilence, there is a lot of "mellower" (non-death) stuff that is equally cool.



Gordian Knot

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I would love recommendations on bands that are similar to Arch-era Fates Warning, Irae Melanox by Adramelch and Winter Kill by Slauter Xstroyes. I don't like anything in progressive metal that isn't in a similar vein to those albums.

Nice. Did you see that at next year, Arch is joining the Fates guys to perform all of Awaken the Guardian live? Should kick ass!

Will have to keep your taste in mind as I think of bands that match.
Ark's "Burn the Sun" is one of my all time fav albums, so amazing all around. It's mind blowing to imagine how they sat down and worked up some of the stuff on that album. I first saw them/heard them at ProgPower USA 2, was killer to watch them play live.

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I like prog a lot. Devin Townsend is my favorite musician by miles so he ranks number 1 in my book. But there are lots of great prog bands. Speaking of "classy," Threshold is probably the most impressive progressive metal band currently active (March of Progress is an absolute monster of an album). Another cool band is/was Beyond Twilight. Really unique sound. Kelly Carpenter did vocals for one possibly both records, I can't remember. Great performance though, and really cool songs.
I would love recommendations on bands that are similar to Arch-era Fates Warning, Irae Melanox by Adramelch and Winter Kill by Slauter Xstroyes. I don't like anything in progressive metal that isn't in a similar vein to those albums.

ditto really.

probably the closest to arch-era fates warning i've heard. not as heavy, but magical all the same.

all the albums you mention are ones i love and it's really hard to find other stuff on that level. siren's NO PLACE LIKE HOME has a touch of the same weirdness as slauter xstroyes, dark quarterer's s/t is the other italian album people tend to mention alongside IRAE MELANOX (it's a very different beast but very good), heir apparent's GRACEFUL INHERITANCE is to me a better version of early queensryche (though i like early queensryche), crimson glory's s/t is great and gets called prog by some people (maybe erroneously). if you can put aside your differences for a moment hamburgerboy is probs the go-to guy for more.
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I was expecting you to be the first person to have something for me. Thanks!

I'm aware of HamburgerBoy's enthusiasm for this type of music. Maybe he will show up with something amazing.
I would love recommendations on bands that are similar to Arch-era Fates Warning, Irae Melanox by Adramelch and Winter Kill by Slauter Xstroyes. I don't like anything in progressive metal that isn't in a similar vein to those albums.

I think this has some similarities to Arch-era Fates Warning:

I have to admit that I haven't been following their career afterwards (maybe also because of the development of my musical taste), but I've just noticed they have also covered one of my favourite songs by Fates Warning:

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Speaking of "classy," Threshold is probably the most impressive progressive metal band currently active (March of Progress is an absolute monster of an album).

Threshold are one of the most underrated (and under appreciated) bands around. Every album, for the most part, is a solid release with killer melodies and songwriting. They're amazingly consistent and they may not reinvent too many wheels from album to album, but at the same time they're adding small new elements to their music with each release. It's even more amazing that they've had as many vocalists as they have, and it's still top notch. That is giving huge props to the core songwriting when a band can pull that off. One of my all time fav songs from them is Eat the Unicorn:

And one of the songs off their last album (March of Progress), I describe as, "If Andrew Lloyd Webber went Prog":

Magical stuff man :)

Mercyful/Wainds I'd be curious if you've checked out Threshold before? At certain times you could compare to some of that older Fates stuff, but with a twist. It may be too melodic for you all though, would be curious to know.

Another cool band is/was Beyond Twilight. Really unique sound. Kelly Carpenter did vocals for one possibly both records, I can't remember. Great performance though, and really cool songs.

Agree, cool stuff. The main Beyond Twilight dude (keys) is coming out with another project along the same vein simply called : Zierler ( - Kelly is also on this one along with some other named musicians.

If you haven't checked out Kelly's latest stuff, pick up the new Darkology. Killer album - reminds me at times of King Diamond meets Metal Church's Blessing in Disguise. Really good album.
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probably the closest to arch-era fates warning i've heard. not as heavy, but magical all the same.

That sounds pretty good - will look into them some more.

heir apparent's GRACEFUL INHERITANCE is to me a better version of early queensryche (though i like early queensryche)

Loved the Heir Apparent stuff, my fav being One Small Voice. It was more polished but I still enjoyed it a lot.

Have you heard Lethal's Programmed album? It's early Queensryche-ish - also has a lot of elements of the Arch era Fates stuff. Vocalist even has that high pitched John Arch voice thing going for him. I just threw it on while typing this, and I dare say this one is a spot on combination of Awaken the Guardian and Rage for Order.

crimson glory's s/t is great and gets called prog by some people (maybe erroneously). if you can put aside your differences for a moment hamburgerboy is probs the go-to guy for more.

I would call their early stuff Prog, especially the Transcendence album. Compared to what was going on at the time, that was a pretty significant jump in songwriting and playing, I think anyways. It lines up more with the traditional definition of Progressive Metal (along with stuff like Fates Warning's Perfect Symmetry, Queensryche's Rage for Order, etc.).
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I would love recommendations on bands that are similar to Arch-era Fates Warning, Irae Melanox by Adramelch and Winter Kill by Slauter Xstroyes. I don't like anything in progressive metal that isn't in a similar vein to those albums.

In case you don't catch it in the other reply, what do you think of this one? I describe it as a marriage of Awaken the Guardian and Queensryche's Rage for Order:

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I've recently decided to give Pain Of Salvation another listen,I've grabbed their other newer CDs that I didn't own,completing their discography.I tried listening to them a few years ago(one Hour By The Concrete Lake,Remedy Lane and The Perfect Element) but I was more interested in BM and DM at the time and couldn't really get into them.They definitely seem like a band that writes complex music that requires a fair bit of attention and repeated but now I think that could be a good thing and hoping they click this time.
Taramis' Queen of Thieves is on par with the best of Fates Warning, Slauter Xstroyes, and Adramelch for me. A lot of people can't get over the vocals or production, but they're wimps. Also, check out Anathema's Salem Lunacy demo, Italian post-Adramelch band sharing the singer and a guitarist. The songs are more straight forward than the first half of Irae Melanox, but about as great as the second, speedier half.
Virus is so fucking good, but I don't think I would classify them as prog (especially since they came out of the ashes of Ved Buens Ende)

Does jazz prog metal count? I've been into this stuff lately. Aside from Cynic, Atheist, Pestilence, there is a lot of "mellower" (non-death) stuff that is equally cool.


Goddamn I was so bummed when Ansur broke up (er rather, reformed). The same goes for Zero Hour. I got to see them live and they absolutely killed. Their singer was probably the best Geoff Tate clone I ever heard

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