Prog Rock Huddle

I would also recommend my favourite album from that bunch, as I didn't see it in your lists, that is A.R. & Machines - Echo. An incredible trip in an ocean of fiery fumes. Klaus Schulze is involved of course :


get it from

OK, this is COMPLETE WIN. Doomcifer (and maybe Chromatose): download this now!
For starters, the song 'De Futura' (album Üdü Wüdü) is up there with Starless and a few others :worship:
Well, kinda..yeah. It's like a stripped down Magma, consisting of the 4 core members of Magma. Shit doesnt sound like only that many peeps though.....I think its the best starting point for peeps trying to get into Magma and is my favorite along with K.A.
I put it on for a bit and it was pretty fucking cool, I must say.

I'm glad I dl shit and forget about it for years, it usually works out in the long run.
This may/may not be the right thread to be posting in (there's a lot of them recently), but is the Genesis 1970-1975 box set worth getting, or are there individual releases I should be looking into?

My buddy bought that. The sound on the remasters is FANTASTIC, especially "Lamb," which I always thought was poorly produced. Nowadays I don't listen to anything except the remasters. The GENESIS ARCHIVE 1969-1974 is also worth looking into.

In other words: if you're getting into the band, this boxset is probably the way to go.