ProgPower 2008 - Band Questions

How about someone posting links to these band's MySpace pages or official websites until a certain someone gets the new website up-and-running? ;)
Ask and ye shall receive ...

Borrowing from Glenn's descriptions and adding links:

Riverside - Pink Floyd/Porcupine Tree mellow prog

Iron Savior - European power metal ala Gamma Ray

Volbeat - Stray Cats meets Life of Agony, rockabilly pop metal

Astral Doors - Dio/Rainbow (This link didn't work for me, but it's what's listed on their myspace page.)

Andromeda - melodic prog ala Dreamscape but with more chops

Elvenking - Folk Metal with hooks

Spheric Universe Experience - Dream Theater style with punch

Serenity - true prog/power hybrid, Sonata Arctica meets Superior

Pathosray - Circus Maximus prog, self-titled

And just for the hell of it:
Jon Oliva's Pain - for those of you that have been living in a hole, think Savatage

Hope this helps. I'll probably end up using this page for reference myself ... at least until this weekend when Glenn and the guys get the official PP site up in all it's metal glory! :rock:
I bought their debut well before your announcement. My biggest problem with them was a lack of punch/crunch. Perhaps it's a production issue, and hopefully they'll come across as more energetic/aggressive live. I think these guys have the potential to go over big, assuming the get a great mix and are tight live.

Hey Glenn... do they have a 2nd disc coming out prior to PP?


They definitely fixed it Zod. I agree with you the first one lacks something and loses me for the most part due to the ultra proggyness (yeah I can make up words).

"Anima" has the crunch and punch that "Mental Torments" lacked.
Thanks, Glenn!! You have ID'd some genres I am unfamiliar with!! "Rockabilly Pop Metal"; "Folk Metal"?? :lol: I've heard of Elvenking - Are they kinda Marillion-ish?? Thanx to all for your input!!

Chris :rock:

Folk metal is kind of a sub-genre and that you need to look into if you haven't already. Start with Elvenking, then check out stuff like Skyclad(less folky side), Tyr, Korpiklaani (folk and drunk :)), and Suidakra. Take any genre of metal, throw in the regional folk influences, dance a little jig, and you've got folk metal. I can't get enough of it right now, and I hope to see more of this genre at future ProgPowers.

*edit* Forgot Finntroll, for you fans of black metal Finnish polka with Swedish lyrics.
What's up Katie? I'm only really familiar with Volbeat and Elvenking, so I'll weigh in on those two for you.

I'd go with the second Volbeat album Rock the Rebel, Metal the Devil. It only beats the first one by a tad, but it just sounds more refined to me.

Elvenking... nailz is right, of course. Winterwake is probably your best bet for a good overview of the band. You really can't go wrong with them though. Just don't pick up Wyrd first. It's the weakest of the 4.
...and I'll disagree and say that the first Volbeat cd (The Strength, The Sound, The Songs) is a bit better, and more than a bit heavier. Since this is really nit-picking, I'll just say you can't go wrong with either Volbeat cd, although they were a PITA to find...
There are as many preferences to the best Iron Savior as there are releases. Personally I find Unification, Condition Red, and Battering Ram to be the top three.
For Elvenking I agree on The Winterwake being best, but I like them all.
Astral Doors releases are pretty consistent. You can't really go wrong with any of them.
For Jon Oliva's Pain get Maniacal Renderings and the old Savatage stuff.
Serenity's debut Words Untold & Dreams Unlived is pretty good.
...and I'll disagree and say that the first Volbeat cd (The Strength, The Sound, The Songs) is a bit better, and more than a bit heavier. Since this is really nit-picking, I'll just say you can't go wrong with either Volbeat cd, although they were a PITA to find...

You can grab both for $9.99 on iTunes. And you're right, they're so similar that it really just comes down to personal preference. Just preview each track for 30 seconds on iTunes and decide for yourself which you want to start with, lol.