My Review of ProgPower 4, Atlanta Georgia:
Let me start off with just saying it was fantastic. The second best concert ever. The only rival of course still being the Wacken open air. But this is easily the best show on American soil. So on to the reviews:
(Note: all sound reviews are based on being front row center)
Thursday Pre-Party:
Got up at 3:30 am to start the drive. UGGG
Anyway arrived at the Riviera club at about 6:30pm. Got in and promptly met with Angra. Very friendly and enthusiastic guys. Complimented Kiko on his instructional DVD and got some photo and sigs. No one else showed till about 7:30-7:45 then at this point I met, Blind Guardian, John Schaffer, Edguy, Silent Force, and Part of Evergrey. I heard Gamma Rays Plane came in late so I figured they wouldnt show and left about 5 minutes before they arrived. Bummer! I heard the first 2 bands play tonight. I enjoyed listening to both but did not actively listen and can not give a decent review. Sleep and prepare for the next day.
Arrival 11:30 am. Met the same front row crew as last year. And the waiting began. Badges were handed out orderly and on time. Gold badgers were let in at 3:30. But us front row guys had to wait again at the hall doors till about 4:05pm when we were finally let into the venue.
Zero hour: Although not being a huge prog fan these guys were enjoyable. Some great musicianship and they seemed to be enjoying themselves a lot. Still not my thing but they sounded good and played well so it was fun. They got some decent crowd response and I am sure made some new fans.
Silent Force: Well when they hit the stage I am sure they were surprised. DC has always been a fave among the PP crowd and he got a response that showed this. The crowd was VERY into this show. They played 4 Silent force songs, 4 DC cooper solo songs, 1 Royal hunt (river of pain) and Youve got another thing coming as an encore. DC and crew were obviously happy and flattered by the crowds enthusiasm. Dc sang amazing live. Already the bar had been raised so Edguy would have their hands full.
Edguy: Well even I was surprised at the crowd response. Everyone loved them and knew all the songs. The band was VERY visibly shocked. They went through a set covering most of their releases closing out with Save us now. Encore was Avantasia and out of control. Great show great performers and Tobias promised a 20 date US tour. Although I am sure it was his excitement talking, it is a nice gesture. Tobi was note prefect and very impressive. They left a very energized crowd and I am sure were pleased by the show.
Blind Guardian: Took a little while to get them on stage, but they made it. The crowd went nuts. You could tell that almost everyone was here tonight waiting for them to hit the stage. The session bassist is insane. He plays every song with only down strokes! Thats just damn crazy. But interesting to watch. Carpel tunnel here it comes. Hahah
They played I think 16 songs. We did not get to see one song (past and future secret) due to them running over time. The bards seemed pleased and the crowd loved the show. Only thing I could ask for more would have been another hour of music. Hansi seemed to avoid the high notes. All I could think is that maybe he was saving himself for the tour. There was some hayseed that snuck into the barricade area to watch BG. This short little goofy guy even tried to look like Glenn. Damn someone should have kicked his ass out
Pain of Salvation: I was tired and was not already a PoS fan so I went to the lobby to buy some t-shirts. Was not able to find any official Edguy, Angra or Gamma Ray Merch??? What the hell? I heard many people left after BG, but I dont know. I was told PoS performed very well.
Overall: Backline was still a little weak with it being hard to hear the guitars sometimes. But a great improvement over last years sound. This problem would be totally remedied the next night when the backline increased and the sound became perfect.
Arrival 12:30pm. Welcome same front row crew again of course. Feet still sore and tired from the day before.
We are let in at 3:30. Again we wait for the hall doors to open. But finally some Gamma Ray merch arrives. Of course the guy doesnt have it ready to sell until about 4:30. We were let in the doors at about 4:15. After securing my spot I ran to buy some GR shirts. Still not Edguy or Angra merch??? What gives?
Reading Zero: I was not familiar with the band at all before this. But they gave a good show and were happy to be playing in front of us. I liked their music and they made the time pass very quickly. I like them and they guys seemed fun.
Threshold: Another band I was not familiar with. They had a left-handed drummer and some technical problem apparently and so we were running behind at this point. They played a solid set and the guitarist had a killer live guitar sound. They got a decent reaction from the crowd and several people seemed to know the songs quite well.
Devin Townsend: I had asked several times and never got a good answer to what kind of music Devin played. So I was very curious to hear his set. Well the music ser did not fit the prog or the power categories. I will not review the music as I did nit enjoy it. I could not hear him sing most of the time. The crowd reaction was quite negative from where I was. I believe he would do fine at a different festival but I dont think his music fit in here. There was some guy who felt the need to keep kicking the barricade and body slamming into the guy next to me. Some how he felt this became a release for anger instead of a music concert. But anyway, Devin played his set and then it got really crowded on the floor.
Gamma Ray: Ok I have been a GR fan forever. I actually joined the schizoid clan in 93 and have wanted to see them forever. They came out with AMAZING sound and just tore it up. Crowd loved them. I didnt realize there were any GR fans. Seriously I was the only person I knew that even had heard of them till about 98 when the Internet started getting more popular. The played a killer show with material from every album except Heading for tomorrow and Insanity and genius. They encored with Ride the Sky and I want out. Kai sang perfectly live. Very impressive. They played a bit over time, which resulted in someone deciding to close the curtain on the stage when they were still on. Bad idea as many of the fans promptly grabbed it and lifted. I am surprised it was not torn down. But in the end everything was ok.
Angra: after a 45-minute set change I was so tired I wanted to just go to sleep. But they came out and made me forget all about the fact I had not drank or ate since 2 pm. Edu is a great front man. Note for note. Killer Rendition of Carry on live. WOW. Kiko was a bit hard to hear because they moved the cabs off the side so they were no longer pointing at the audience. But it was killer. His solo spot was great. They got to close out the night very well and ended the festival with a cover of Number of the beast! Also making me think, why the hell did they pick blaze of Edu?? And that same silly man this time wearing some bright orange shirt from some silly sports team snuck back up front?!?!?!! What is with this guy? He is a like a ninja.
Overall: perfect sound with the one exception noted above. Great final night.
The good: pretty much everything. Best improvements were kicking out the photographers after 3 songs! Very well run this year.
The bad: unrelated to Glenn: But where the hell was official Edguy and Angra merch?!?!? And vendors not being around after the show. Us front row guys cant shop until then.
Suggestions for PP4: Start at 3:30 and give the headliners 2 hours. Hopefully the new venue will have a better area for the vendors and they will be able to stay after the show. I hope Glenn made a shitload of return on this show. He deserves it. See everyone at PP4, wherever it may be. And I am sure ill see the same crew in the front again.
Special note: for those without a sense of humour the hayseed was Glenn.
Let me start off with just saying it was fantastic. The second best concert ever. The only rival of course still being the Wacken open air. But this is easily the best show on American soil. So on to the reviews:
(Note: all sound reviews are based on being front row center)
Thursday Pre-Party:
Got up at 3:30 am to start the drive. UGGG
Anyway arrived at the Riviera club at about 6:30pm. Got in and promptly met with Angra. Very friendly and enthusiastic guys. Complimented Kiko on his instructional DVD and got some photo and sigs. No one else showed till about 7:30-7:45 then at this point I met, Blind Guardian, John Schaffer, Edguy, Silent Force, and Part of Evergrey. I heard Gamma Rays Plane came in late so I figured they wouldnt show and left about 5 minutes before they arrived. Bummer! I heard the first 2 bands play tonight. I enjoyed listening to both but did not actively listen and can not give a decent review. Sleep and prepare for the next day.
Arrival 11:30 am. Met the same front row crew as last year. And the waiting began. Badges were handed out orderly and on time. Gold badgers were let in at 3:30. But us front row guys had to wait again at the hall doors till about 4:05pm when we were finally let into the venue.
Zero hour: Although not being a huge prog fan these guys were enjoyable. Some great musicianship and they seemed to be enjoying themselves a lot. Still not my thing but they sounded good and played well so it was fun. They got some decent crowd response and I am sure made some new fans.
Silent Force: Well when they hit the stage I am sure they were surprised. DC has always been a fave among the PP crowd and he got a response that showed this. The crowd was VERY into this show. They played 4 Silent force songs, 4 DC cooper solo songs, 1 Royal hunt (river of pain) and Youve got another thing coming as an encore. DC and crew were obviously happy and flattered by the crowds enthusiasm. Dc sang amazing live. Already the bar had been raised so Edguy would have their hands full.
Edguy: Well even I was surprised at the crowd response. Everyone loved them and knew all the songs. The band was VERY visibly shocked. They went through a set covering most of their releases closing out with Save us now. Encore was Avantasia and out of control. Great show great performers and Tobias promised a 20 date US tour. Although I am sure it was his excitement talking, it is a nice gesture. Tobi was note prefect and very impressive. They left a very energized crowd and I am sure were pleased by the show.
Blind Guardian: Took a little while to get them on stage, but they made it. The crowd went nuts. You could tell that almost everyone was here tonight waiting for them to hit the stage. The session bassist is insane. He plays every song with only down strokes! Thats just damn crazy. But interesting to watch. Carpel tunnel here it comes. Hahah
They played I think 16 songs. We did not get to see one song (past and future secret) due to them running over time. The bards seemed pleased and the crowd loved the show. Only thing I could ask for more would have been another hour of music. Hansi seemed to avoid the high notes. All I could think is that maybe he was saving himself for the tour. There was some hayseed that snuck into the barricade area to watch BG. This short little goofy guy even tried to look like Glenn. Damn someone should have kicked his ass out

Pain of Salvation: I was tired and was not already a PoS fan so I went to the lobby to buy some t-shirts. Was not able to find any official Edguy, Angra or Gamma Ray Merch??? What the hell? I heard many people left after BG, but I dont know. I was told PoS performed very well.
Overall: Backline was still a little weak with it being hard to hear the guitars sometimes. But a great improvement over last years sound. This problem would be totally remedied the next night when the backline increased and the sound became perfect.
Arrival 12:30pm. Welcome same front row crew again of course. Feet still sore and tired from the day before.
We are let in at 3:30. Again we wait for the hall doors to open. But finally some Gamma Ray merch arrives. Of course the guy doesnt have it ready to sell until about 4:30. We were let in the doors at about 4:15. After securing my spot I ran to buy some GR shirts. Still not Edguy or Angra merch??? What gives?
Reading Zero: I was not familiar with the band at all before this. But they gave a good show and were happy to be playing in front of us. I liked their music and they made the time pass very quickly. I like them and they guys seemed fun.
Threshold: Another band I was not familiar with. They had a left-handed drummer and some technical problem apparently and so we were running behind at this point. They played a solid set and the guitarist had a killer live guitar sound. They got a decent reaction from the crowd and several people seemed to know the songs quite well.
Devin Townsend: I had asked several times and never got a good answer to what kind of music Devin played. So I was very curious to hear his set. Well the music ser did not fit the prog or the power categories. I will not review the music as I did nit enjoy it. I could not hear him sing most of the time. The crowd reaction was quite negative from where I was. I believe he would do fine at a different festival but I dont think his music fit in here. There was some guy who felt the need to keep kicking the barricade and body slamming into the guy next to me. Some how he felt this became a release for anger instead of a music concert. But anyway, Devin played his set and then it got really crowded on the floor.
Gamma Ray: Ok I have been a GR fan forever. I actually joined the schizoid clan in 93 and have wanted to see them forever. They came out with AMAZING sound and just tore it up. Crowd loved them. I didnt realize there were any GR fans. Seriously I was the only person I knew that even had heard of them till about 98 when the Internet started getting more popular. The played a killer show with material from every album except Heading for tomorrow and Insanity and genius. They encored with Ride the Sky and I want out. Kai sang perfectly live. Very impressive. They played a bit over time, which resulted in someone deciding to close the curtain on the stage when they were still on. Bad idea as many of the fans promptly grabbed it and lifted. I am surprised it was not torn down. But in the end everything was ok.
Angra: after a 45-minute set change I was so tired I wanted to just go to sleep. But they came out and made me forget all about the fact I had not drank or ate since 2 pm. Edu is a great front man. Note for note. Killer Rendition of Carry on live. WOW. Kiko was a bit hard to hear because they moved the cabs off the side so they were no longer pointing at the audience. But it was killer. His solo spot was great. They got to close out the night very well and ended the festival with a cover of Number of the beast! Also making me think, why the hell did they pick blaze of Edu?? And that same silly man this time wearing some bright orange shirt from some silly sports team snuck back up front?!?!?!! What is with this guy? He is a like a ninja.

Overall: perfect sound with the one exception noted above. Great final night.
The good: pretty much everything. Best improvements were kicking out the photographers after 3 songs! Very well run this year.
The bad: unrelated to Glenn: But where the hell was official Edguy and Angra merch?!?!? And vendors not being around after the show. Us front row guys cant shop until then.
Suggestions for PP4: Start at 3:30 and give the headliners 2 hours. Hopefully the new venue will have a better area for the vendors and they will be able to stay after the show. I hope Glenn made a shitload of return on this show. He deserves it. See everyone at PP4, wherever it may be. And I am sure ill see the same crew in the front again.
Special note: for those without a sense of humour the hayseed was Glenn.