ProgPower 5 Tad Morose pictures posted \m/

OMG!!!! Dave, that avatar is hilarious! :tickled: I MUST make one!
Now, to save myself from being off topic I will post a couple more PPV photos:

AMBR said:
Hey, Bryant!
I would definitley like to hook up and hang a little more next year. It would be nice to see your lovely wife again too, but by then you'll have a little one and life does get complicated! :Spin:

Ha ha ha.... I met sooo many people @ PPV because I am so active on message boards I was worn out when I seen you (the second time.) It was my fault. Next year, we will hang out more !!

Dave@BEC said:
Hey Bryant, my name's Dave (the "better sibbling"...ha ha :grin: ). You are definitely right, next year we must party! See you there!

Sorry Dave !! I even confused Anne Marie with someone else (name only.) I am terrible with names. I also want to hang out with you next year as well as your Sis. I will have to take a pix of you if I ever see you without a smile on your face. I have never seen that. You are such a cool guy and always seem happy. You two honestly help make PP a unique experience.
