Sponsor Of Tad Morose For ProPower USA 5

LUDMER said:
Pretty much just cigarettes.
At lest I won't have to go outside.

No but you might want to go outside to smoke your crack.

In all seriousness, I am a smoker as well and you will have plenty of company in the corridors of the show. The place is great. They even have a bathroom attendant there who rolls down the paper towels and squirts soap in your hand etc. Great place.

Bryant said:
Well I submitted my name to the prog power forum meet as well as this one here, though I think they are one in the same. I don't frolic over in that forum as much as here, so I won't know many of those that don't come in here. I can just see myself walking up to someone.... hey are you Pabla ? Anyway here is what I look like. I'll upload some pictures where I look less normal and a little more exciteable soon.



Yeah me too, I try to hang out at the PP forum here and there...chime in etc. And what an awesome photo! :tickled:
I will probably be easy to spot as I usually have my devil light-up horns on my person :lol: at any rate here is a photo of me...am the one with the long hair :)
Bryant said:
Depends on what you smoke I suppose.....

crack..... felony.
pot...... misdeamenor if less than an ounce and determined not to be for sale. Probably a $500 fine or so.
tobacco....... many restaurants offer a smoking section. The forum allows smoking in the corridors and lobby, but not on the concert floor, though some people way up hig in the seats cup it and cheat. There is no law about smoking outside in public areas.

Very good to know as I am also a smoker and California smoking laws always kill me :err:
Pabla said:
Yeah me too, I try to hang out at the PP forum here and there...chime in etc. And what an awesome photo! :tickled:
I will probably be easy to spot as I usually have my devil light-up horns on my person :lol: at any rate here is a photo of me...am the one with the long hair :)
Hey, you're a cutie Pabla...:Saint: At least I know what you and Bryant look like now, so that's two fewer nametags I'll have to look for. :D Then again, I'm a smoker too, so it looks like we'll all be milling about in the same areas anyway!

Pabla said:
Very good to know as I am also a smoker and California smoking laws always kill me :err:
Nice pix. You are a cute girl. I love that long hair. I will take another picture soon (I need to put some good use to my camera anyway) with a more "normal" look. I don't walk around very often with that expression on my face, so I don't really know ifr anyone will "recognize" me from that pix. I suppose I could walk around PPV like that, but myMom told me not to make faces or it would "stick" like that. Well she's been wrong so far, but I don't think I would want to hold that expression for too long.

As far as the smokers, looks like many of us here at the TM forum going to PP fit tha category. The venue is pretty straight forward. It won't take long at all to see all of the smoking areas. Of course there is a built in restaurant a good sized bar, a smaller bar and a beer stand.

Cheers Rakosh and Bryant! It is definately cool to know that us smokers are not alone :err: out here in California we get treated like vermit :tickled:

At any rate it is good to know that the layout of the venue is such~Are we ready for the frontrow for TM? :)

Although I've been to somewhat brutal concerts where I've had to stand my ground to keep my place at the front rails I think that PP will be much mellower as to that regard, am I right?
Pabla said:
Cheers Rakosh and Bryant! It is definately cool to know that us smokers are not alone :err: out here in California we get treated like vermit :tickled:

At any rate it is good to know that the layout of the venue is such~Are we ready for the frontrow for TM? :)

Although I've been to somewhat brutal concerts where I've had to stand my ground to keep my place at the front rails I think that PP will be much mellower as to that regard, am I right?
Yeah, Earthlink is a great venue for this kind of show. And the people attending seem to be on the mellower side (meaning, much NICER...they, uh we, know the proper way to behave...and still get into the music to give the bands the energy they deserve). In fact, Glenn has pretty much outlawed moshing, saying you'll "get thrown out on your ass" if you do. Well, the quote is pretty accurate. :grin:

And, as for smoking...it's only a matter of time before Atlanta becomes one big mousetrap too. They've tried to pass some smoking bans, but haven't really been too successful yet.

Rakosh said:
And, as for smoking...it's only a matter of time before Atlanta becomes one big mousetrap too. They've tried to pass some smoking bans, but haven't really been too successful yet.


I honestly try to respect non-smokers. I really do my best, but I find non-smokers don't respect us often. If I am at a bar (except on rare occasions I normally only go to my fave sports bar to watch The Steelers) I don't mind someone saying, "would you mind moving down a bit, your smoke is bothering me. I apologize and ablidge (sp?,) but I have found some people and one in particualr that simply sid "stop blowing your @#$%%^* smoke in my face" which of course I didn't do to begin with. To me, he is showing a lack of respects for my rights...... not my rights to smoke, but my rights to being treated like a sensible adult. I would have moved to another table graciously if he would have asked me nicely, but after that little remark, I chain smoked throughout the rest of the game.

That's terrible Bryant! And it's so true that respect "shall runeth both ways"

just 2 months and a few days to get by now.......
Pabla said:
That's terrible Bryant! And it's so true that respect "shall runeth both ways"

Well I paid him back so to speak, but I will be gracious enough to sit far away enough from him so that it soesn't bother him in the future. The bad thing is, he is also a Steeler fan (not that being one makes you a nice person as I know plenty that are not) but you would think a comrade like that would be a little more pleasant. Oh well........ not everyone is as nice as the participants on this forum. :grin:

Let's keep throwing flowers at ourselves...YES! We are the nicest bunch on UM, how's that? :tickled:
Although I will tell you a little secret...I do have my devilish temper if provoked :yell:
Rakosh said:
Yeah, Earthlink is a great venue for this kind of show. And the people attending seem to be on the mellower side (meaning, much NICER...they, uh we, know the proper way to behave...and still get into the music to give the bands the energy they deserve).
Well remember this is a show in the Southeast. Despite people coming from all over the US and some even from other countries, a good bit of the attendees will be from the Southeast. I think the "southern hospitality" wears off on folks even if they are in the metal culture.

Pabla said:
Let's keep throwing flowers at ourselves...YES! We are the nicest bunch on UM, how's that? :tickled:
Although I will tell you a little secret...I do have my devilish temper if provoked :yell:

Ha ha ha my fuse is hard to light, but it is short and has dynamite on the other end of it as well. I normally can "keep my cool" during most "normal" situations, but I have a low tolerance for ignorance in my profession. If I do my job better than someone else does theirs and that person is above me in the chain of command..... lookout pal. I don't take kindly to answering to idiots or assholes.
Don't get me wrong..... I am not a tyrant. If you are a professional person, are reasonable and act like an adult, then you are treated as such. Too often these people feel like their "power" allows them to do whatever they want and I prove to them that is not the case.
