ProgPower and birthdays

Except for PPUSA I and II, PP has always been about a week or two before my birthday (9/23), so I've always made it my birthday present to myself. This year it's about two weeks after, so I'll still be accepting birthday drinks. :kickass:

Had PP been held the weekend Glenn had originally planned, my birthday would have been spent at the showcase. I'll still be accepting birthday drinks/shots/spankings as the show will only be a week later now ;)
Had PP been held the weekend Glenn had originally planned, my birthday would have been spent at the showcase. I'll still be accepting birthday drinks/shots/spankings as the show will only be a week later now ;)

looks like the Spank Me tee in need again this year :lol: It would be a pleasure to buy you a drink:kickass:
yep, that would be MeMa. :) and she loves metal!

that's me and Patrick with MeMa in the picture. She demanded to have her picture made with us. heh heh. She's a sweetie!

I sure as hell hope to be like her when I'm her age!

Good for her, I'll have to keep an eye out for her this year and be sure to say hello!