ProgPower do's, don'ts

One may feel inclined to do this if the floor is overcrowded, you can't see any open seats (yet they ARE there, just look harder), and it just seems convenient at the time; but do NOT - under any circumstances - stand in the stairways during a show! Even if you're not obstructing anyone's view or entry/exit, it just isn't allowed. And if you do decide to do it, you WILL get greeted by a certain Tennessee fan in a Hawaiian shit :) ..... and I know this, because I happened to be that guy my first year at ProgPower, and he personally told me to get off the steps :lol:
Yes...yes, I do too...
Short folks photo opp... count me in! If I had more time and money, I'd get shirts made for us that say:

Happy Tiny Headbangers Union #666

Life is Short,
(as are we)
Rock Hard!


By the way, for those of you who were wondering about the fest, this is just a little taste of the kind of ridiculousness that you can expect from us crazy metalheads all weekend. I know when ProgPower is getting close, because I get more silly by the day.
Quote from camera policy:
I have come to the decision that only film photography will be allowed from now on. The only exceptions to the rule are press and sponsors and even they will have to carry a special badge after Todd personally inspects their cameras.

From airport site, for those of you bringing lots a film with you to protect the valuable pics:

Put all undeveloped film and cameras with film in your carry-on baggage. If your bag will pass through the X-ray machine more than 5 times ask for a hand inspection to prevent damage.

Short folks photo opp... count me in! If I had more time and money, I'd get shirts made for us that say:

Happy Tiny Headbangers Union #666

Life is Short,
(as are we)
Rock Hard!


By the way, for those of you who were wondering about the fest, this is just a little taste of the kind of ridiculousness that you can expect from us crazy metalheads all weekend. I know when ProgPower is getting close, because I get more silly by the day.

...we should probably develop a secret hand shake/sign/password or something that would be invisible to the un-tiny peeps... :p
This is my second progpower... and I can't wait! the past year was awesome!!! PROGPOWER 2007: sonata arctica... freak kitchen...firewind... after forever...redemption...communic...
My second one too. I had an abolute blast last year but I went about it the wrong way. I treated it like it was 3 days of bands. It is to a certain extent but I didn't really talk to anyone the whole time I was there except the friend I brought with me. This year will be different. This year, I wanna say hi to as many of you folks as possible. I didn't even join the forums until after I got back from PPVII so I guess that had some to do with it. Either way, if a short dude with long black hair and a red beard comes up and starts talking to you, Hoodaman has arrived.