ProgPower horror stories???

My horror story is not going to Progpower IV. I knew about it, but was new to the music at the time, and ended up missing about 5 of my favorites (Nightwish, Rage, Evergrey, Symphony X, Pagan's Mind).
AMBR said:
Ok as promised. (Don't kill me Cindy!)
Group shot
Proof that Bryant wasn't sober
There's one more, but on second thought, I'll spare everyone that one. If you want more, you'll have to check out PPIV photos on the concert photo page.

Aw, everyone just looks like they're having fun! :D

(And now I know not to wear that shirt again... it doesn't photograph well!!! ;))

Oh and thanks for the link to the other pics... how the hell have I not checked some of those out before now???
Heh, sweetie, you always look great. That was my first PP experience and it was awesome. Can't wait to see you all again for more great photo-ops!
I have no bad stories to tell, unless you ask my creditcard... PP 2005 was my first and probably only US PP festival. This because of it being way too far and costly (I'm from Holland)

The only minus was spending about 1600 euro for a 4 day trip. This as due to the malls in Atlanta, the great hotel and the first-trip-to-the-US shopping frenzy.

But I am not complaining since I had a blast at the festival!!! It will remain one of the best memories of going to a concert EVER.

Now please keep the funny stories comin :kickass:
UM...does opening my wallet earlier, and finding my tickets lacking a barcode count? I did cry a bit, but that was from the lack of sleep after two days.
ProgPower V had a bit of a rough start. I was flying with Norman of Imagika from San Francisco and our plane circled a couple of times amidst serious turbulence and then finally landed a little sideways. Pretty exciting shit! :Puke:
We also got soaking wet running from the rental car office to the SUV in the parking lot. What a blast! :waah:
Then, as we were driving to the hotel we see Tornado warnings posted on all the marques. Norman was trying to drive but kept seeing what he thought were little funnel clouds in the distance. I kept telling him "no dude...that is just smoke coming out of the smoke stacks in those industrial plants" we were passing by.
In addition, my buddy Mark was trying to get their from Jersey and his plane got turned around. He flew all the way back to get a couple hours of sleep and jump on the first available flight the next morning. He missed the pre-party and was fucking pissed.
The rest of festival was killer, although we did miss most of Into Eternity. I have since seen I.E. twice since they have been to SF.
No horror stories this year!!!! Knocking on wood.:Smokin:
eboles said:
ProgPower V had a bit of a rough start. I was flying with Norman of Imagika from San Francisco and our plane circled a couple of times amidst serious turbulence and then finally landed a little sideways. Pretty exciting shit! :Puke:
We also got soaking wet running from the rental car office to the SUV in the parking lot. What a blast! :waah:
Then, as we were driving to the hotel we see Tornado warnings posted on all the marques. Norman was trying to drive but kept seeing what he thought were little funnel clouds in the distance. I kept telling him "no dude...that is just smoke coming out of the smoke stacks in those industrial plants" we were passing by.
In addition, my buddy Mark was trying to get their from Jersey and his plane got turned around. He flew all the way back to get a couple hours of sleep and jump on the first available flight the next morning. He missed the pre-party and was fucking pissed.
The rest of festival was killer, although we did miss most of Into Eternity. I have since seen I.E. twice since they have been to SF.
No horror stories this year!!!! Knocking on wood.:Smokin:
Dave and I flew in from Jersey on one of the last flights out. Too bad about Mark. We did the whole circling thing for nearly an hour in turbulance. People were vomiting, kids were screaming, it was a real treat. Got to land sideways too and skid down the runway. The cab ride was nearly as harrowing with powerlines down, debris blowing into us and the cabby cursing the whole time in some other language. Wasn't hard to figure out he was pissed, though.
As last year being my First PP, it was actually quite smooth. But on the contrary, there WAS some really annoying things (horrors) that happened:

1.After our plain flight from Philadelphia to Orlando to Atlanta, we had to wait 2 freakin hours to get our damn rent a car (because we couldnt book a hotel closer to the venue) and that was a total pain in my ass.

2.We took like an hour and a half looking for the actual venue because inner city atlanta is retarded and has like a thousand peach tree streets and after roaming around forever looking for it there were virtually no parking places. so we took a BIG risk and parked in a damn construction zone in front of a huge dirt mound.

3.When Angra came on to stage the first night, NONE of us could keep our eyes open because we were VERY tired from running around all day trying to find the damn venue, and etc. So i rush to get cokes from the vendor area and we consume them instantly. 10 minutes later, i fall asleep on my friends shoulder. So we left for our hotel :erk: