ProgPower V had a bit of a rough start. I was flying with Norman of Imagika from San Francisco and our plane circled a couple of times amidst serious turbulence and then finally landed a little sideways. Pretty exciting shit!

We also got soaking wet running from the rental car office to the SUV in the parking lot. What a blast!
Then, as we were driving to the hotel we see Tornado warnings posted on all the marques. Norman was trying to drive but kept seeing what he thought were little funnel clouds in the distance. I kept telling him "no dude...that is just smoke coming out of the smoke stacks in those industrial plants" we were passing by.
In addition, my buddy Mark was trying to get their from Jersey and his plane got turned around. He flew all the way back to get a couple hours of sleep and jump on the first available flight the next morning. He missed the pre-party and was fucking pissed.
The rest of festival was killer, although we did miss most of Into Eternity. I have since seen I.E. twice since they have been to SF.
No horror stories this year!!!! Knocking on wood.:Smokin: