ProgPower IV Quiz


Metal Grandma
Mar 12, 2003
New Jersey
As PP4 draws near, my brother, Dave, and I decided to come up with this quiz on our site ( )to help us, and everyone else, identify the all the band members. It's divided into 2 nights and it's not necessary that you put in your first and last name, that's just the way the software was set up and we didn't get around to changing it. This turned out to be a HUGE amount of work especially since some of the bands have weak sites, so pardon any mistakes or typos (i.e. Heprik Danhage instead of Henrik Danhage. oops.) Only one guy from Mercenary is included because we couldn't find their last names.:erk: There's no point system, you're either right or wrong and there's no standings so it doesn't matter what name you put in. Just have fun and come back and tell us how you did!:D
First Night: 20/20 - and there were 2 or 3 I had no idea about, so I'm rather pleased with my guesses :)

Second Night: 15/20 - most of the time, I knew who it wasn't. Still not bad, but basically I wouldn't know anyone from Pagans Mind or Secret Sphere if I fell over them :)

The Quiz was a great idea - Thanks!
I'm actually surprised that I did as well as I did: I got 18/20 on the first night and 19/20 on the second. Go me! lol

less than 24 hours until I'm in Atlanta...can't wait!!! :hotjump:

I got 17 out of 20 on the first night. I know Redemption, Vanden Plas and SX. I was lucky on some others. I won't post my Saturday Night score. >:P~
Good job, Bryant. Did you actually notice you (and Martin) actually were a "wrong" answer for one of the Vanden Plas questions? Just thought you'd get a laugh from that. See you Thursday.
Ann Marie
augh... I also did terrible. I guess for the most part I'm gonna just have to keep my ears open and listen for people saying things like "Dude! That's X from BAND" in order to get my autographs.