ProgPower USA: The Book


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Hello all,

I have decided to write a book on the festival. It cover everything from the planning stages while at Powermad in Baltimore through putting the roster together for V. You will find out what it takes to pull this thing off and laugh your ass off at some of the stories from the crew and myself about the bands. You will also get some input from some of the bands that have peformed over the years. This is all in the infancy stages so I'm hoping to get it done in time for next year's show.

One of the reason's that I'm announcing this is that I'm looking for submissions from the fans. I plan on devoting a chapter to the fans and simply include quotes, stories, and whatever from you about the festival. I have no idea who or what will make it into the book, but email your submission to me anytime including your name. Please do not expect a response. Once you submit something, you are authorizing me to quote you in the book.

Take care,

Glenn H
That is a really cool idea. I'd personally love to read all the wild metal antics from the bands, hell many of us were there for about half of em! (Eggi drunk and trying to balance bottles of beer on his head and breaking all of them) This would be especially helpful and informative to people that are interested in forming their own events even if it is just a wild "if I ever win the fucking lottery" type of thing ha. From the description it seems like it will be very detailed and hopefully will include EVERYTHING that's happened in the Prog Power USA universe, even say a list of bands that WERE contacted but turned down the offer or stuff like that. Looking forward to it.

No questions asked...I'm buying one. I'd really be interested in the whole "behind-the-scenes" experience about everything that has gone into the ProgPower concept. Great idea.....and I imagine it will become quite a collectible within metal circles...
Cool as hell idea.

Have you considered....... "ProgPower USA V: The Movie"? Get somebody to follow you around and take vid while you're setting up the show, and have them do a bunch of backstage vid. Take some of that video that you are hording from the past shows and throw it all on a DVD or two. Of course there would have to be a ton of concert footage. :)

No real deadline. I'm just hoping to have it ready by next summer. Not only am I very slow writer, but I only work on it one week then take a week off for my daughter.

Glenn H