ProgPower USA X: Official DVD

Last time it took a while, I ordered it early and had forgotten that I had done so, so I accidentally bought another one later in the year...doh!

But definitely worth it!
mëtålspëd;8570879 said:
That is just bad ju-ju. We aren't talking about some facelesss corporation putting out a dvd by the millions.... pretty disrespectful to those who put it together. IMO of course.


$30 for THAT collection of bands on a DVD? That's a steal, really.
Frankly, for $30 I kinda think it'd be nice if they threw in an audio CD too. It'd take about 10 seconds to do and cost about 20 cents per order. Ah well. Still, PP X will be a DVD for the ages!
mëtålspëd;8570879 said:
That is just bad ju-ju. We aren't talking about some facelesss corporation putting out a dvd by the millions.... pretty disrespectful to those who put it together. IMO of course.

It's not that I don't have respect, it's just that I can't afford it right now so I'll wait. The fact that DVDs from VII and VIII were selling for 5 bucks at PPX with the CD as a free bonus is another reason to wait.