
The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Please note that I am not affiliated with Lucid Lounge Studios other than allowing them to produce & sell the dvd. I have no financial part in this. They make money, you get a good dvd, and I get all the raw footage for my personal collection. All questions, concerns, complaints, etc. should be sent directly to them, NOT ME.

A track list is not confirmed yet. This will take a few months.

As for the All-Star jam footage, I do not know exactly what will happen just yet. It could be a seperate dvd or it could become bonus footage on the festival dvd. That information will be announced at a later date.

Thanks for posting the info, Glenn...I see the discount is still in place...

1 order placed here...looking forward to it...last year's was a great souvenir!

Rock on!
Hey if anyone is in need of the dvd after the price goes up I think I ended up with 2. How you ask? (Prolly had something to do with the bartender making those vokda & red bulls perfectly) Well I tried the pay by paypal thing and didnt think I got my password right so i went off the the ATM to get some cash. Eventually said ATM gave up the goods and I went back and gave the nice lady cash for it.

Then when I got back to Colorado I saw a paypal thing for $37 bux. That COULD be the receipt for the one I paid cash for (although I was given a receipt form when I got that one) - I sent an email to Lucid but havent heard anything back yet.

So, if they sell out or someone needs the lower price - I may be back posting with one for sale. I won't do the ebay thing - it's gotta go to a forum-ite.

I just hope my paper order indeed made it in when I paid cash at the fest for a copy, so we'll see!

Ought to be a good shot of my mug during the After Forever set as I was standing directly in the path of the boom camera!
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how this is progressing? Last year there were periodic updates on the Lucid Lounge site stating where they were in the entire process (reviewing video & audio feeds, etc.) and which bands had elected to partcipate... I just visited the link above and it just seems weird to me that there have been no such updates this year. I hope it is still on track for a late spring release...
I ever got a response to any of the emails I sent about being charged twice. I have no idea if I should expect 2 dvds, expect to try and get my money back on one I don't get or what. Hopefully thing will work out. If I get 2 of them - one won't go to waste - I'll send it to my buddy that I meet down there each year. If they send me 1 - I would like my other one refunded. Hopefully they'll do a good job and get them out to people on schedule - it will help pass the time until PP9.


The dvd is not scheduled to be released till the spring this time. That was announced early on. The band participation is just now starting to come into play so more details will be released as soon as possible (but still not soon enough). If you have communication problems with Lucid Lounge over a sales problem, let me know and I will stir the pot. However, general release & info questions should be put on hold for at least another month.

Sounds good Glenn.

I'm just sitting here waiting for a tracklist. I'm really curious as to what's going to make it on.

Any update on what will be happening with the All Star Jam footage, or is that under the "general release & info" questions you want us to wait at least another month before asking?
Hey, folks!

I tried to place an order for two different packages through the Lucid Lounge website, but it seems that the best I can do is order multiple copies of the same package. I tried to get in touch with them about the problem, and the studio manager replied with, "We'll look into this." That was about a month ago. I really want to purchase these DVDs, but I don't want to have to pay twice for shipping. Has this been a problem for anyone else?

Stay metal. Never rust.