ProgPower X: The DVD


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001

Production for The ProgPower X DVD is enormous this year with quality
surpassing anything previously captured. All bands both nights and the pre
party bands have agreed to appear on the PPX DVD. As a result the amount of production involved is and video files are spread across
the globe in the studios of many of this year's artists. Many are being
produced in our studio's here in the states. The project is large and
complex, but the production is still on track for a late spring 2010
shipping date.

All inquiries should be directed to me:

Kent Smith
Lucid Lounge Studios
When the production is done will there be copies on sale on the website?

I wanted to go ahead and buy one at the fest, but i used all my money on tickets for XI.
Cant wait to get this. I always just go ahead and put in my pre-order for a couple reasons. Gives the peeps doing all the hard work an idea of how many they will have to make, ensures I get one of them, and I don't have to remember to do it later :) The fact that there is usually very nice, fun and attractive ladies taking the orders has nothing to do with it, no really.:lol:
With everything that is going to be one it, are we looking at a 2 disc set?

and a track list would be awsome. (I am still getting one anyway no matter the track list. the PPDVD is probably the only music DVDs i watch more than once)
I think the pre-order table was around for a VERY short time. I did manage to put in a pre-order though. :)

Can't wait... :lol:

I think I did as I think I remember needing to get more money to do it but I could be wrong. That weekend is a complete blur outside of the bands. I sent an e-mail to the one Glenn provided to find out for sure.
I have one request for the track list, the duet of Fighting the Darkness, by Primal Fear.
But I am sure the Grand Poobah will let us know as soon as he hears something. Then again hopefully he is still floating along in that Newlywed Bliss state and they may have to let him know a few times. Nah, Glenn's on top of it - as soon as he know's we'll know I would imagine. A track listing of what the bands chose would be a good was to pass the time while we wait though.