ProgPower USA V: Sponsorship

At the risk of sounding obtuse...what are you looking for (monetarily or otherwise?) by way of a sponsor? Would be interested to know...

...Besides...other dedicated metalheads might be able to contribute where they otherwise thought they might not...

just curious...
ashaman7122 said:
At the risk of sounding obtuse...what are you looking for (monetarily or otherwise?) by way of a sponsor? Would be interested to know...

...Besides...other dedicated metalheads might be able to contribute where they otherwise thought they might not...

just curious...

I'll help anyway i can, i can't monetarily, but i will give every bit of time that i can to glenn at his disposal to help make this thing happen. this is the best thing in the states since the constitution, hahaha.

- Brent
I'm also curious as to what is involved in "sponsoring" a band. I know that VIP passes come with sponsorship. But short of that, I don't really have an idea of how it works, what sort of money we're talking about, and how the process begins.

Useless smartass comments follow... :P

1) If you have to ask, you can't afford it. This includes me, of course. :)
2) You don't get a VIP pass by "helping out," and even if you do this would mean busting your ass constantly instead of getting to see the bands.
3) I've never worked with Glenn on PP, but I'm an arrogant prick and know everything. :D

T.J. Swoboda said:
1) If you have to ask, you can't afford it.
I've always thought that this was a very strange concept. The car I currently own, I asked how much it was before I bought it. The house I currently own, I asked how much it was before I bought it. As a matter of fact, most things I own, I inquired as to their price before making my purchase. I'd hate to charge a pair of sox on my Amex, and later find out they were $12,000 (even if they were really nice sox).

I need to check with band management and the band itself but I can probably help with the sponsorship of a band. Glenn, I sent you a message let me know if you are interested.

Cheers! - Tony