ProgPower USA X: Festival Shirt Preview

Very nice one indeed. Gonna grab one as soon as I arrive :D
Awesome shirt. I hope my wife and I can drag our asses out of bed early enough on Friday to be first in line for one after a full night of metal on Thursday.

+1 for other colors. I hate black on account of two large dogs that have coated every surface of my home and car with tan fur. I also dislike black because it's such a cliche.. metal crowds are often a big sea of black (until the really drunk ones take their shirts off, anyway). C'mon, dare to be different, people. But I'll still buy it.

Isn't headbanging at a metal concert cliche?? How about "the devil horns"???I'll never stop doing it until my neck breaks and my fingers fall off!!!!!!
Black is and has always been my favorite color.My first car was a black Trans-Am and the glossy black was awesome to me.
Not trying to be a party pooper,just saying there are some of us metal fans who actually choose black because we like it,not because "everyone at the concert wears it".
Me too. Even if a black shirt pops graphics better than any color, I'd love to have some variety.

However, it's a gamble to change to a different color for joe blow metalhead that doesn't visit this forum. Is he going to wear it to his next Slayer concert? Anyone willing to back me the money and show me that it's worth the risk to stray from the proven formula?
Im quite proud to be a part of the metal stereotype by wearing black shirts. I'm not really a colorful shirt kinda guy. Good to know the design will accommodate the changes to the roster.