ProgPower video has hit youtube

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Mar 1, 2004
Just found Nightwish video shot from very close up from one of the Atlanta shows. Not sure if anyone cares about it anymore, just wanted to throw a heads up out there to Glenn and everybody
i didn't film anything i always just take pictures because i know im never going to watch my crappy video again, but i will always look at the picture and make have print outs of them. Also since ive been going ppusa 3 i always remember the no filming thing so i just don't care to film take away from really enjoying the music to me too.

That being said i have the feeling its ok to film now because i saw like 20 people doing it all weekend, the rules my have changed i really don't know
Just found Nightwish video shot from very close up from one of the Atlanta shows. Not sure if anyone cares about it anymore, just wanted to throw a heads up out there to Glenn and everybody

When I saw the kickoff Nightwish world tour in CA earlier in the year, afterwards I saw postings from Nightwish & Amorphis looking for videos from the show. Wish I would of known prior that they were ok with it. As for PP, it still not allowed, but I don't think Nightwish cares.
Just found Nightwish video shot from very close up from one of the Atlanta shows. Not sure if anyone cares about it anymore, just wanted to throw a heads up out there to Glenn and everybody

Glenn and I are finished pursuing folks that post YouTube videos of ProgPower USA footage. We simply don't have the time or energy.

Honestly though, maybe the videos will help. I'm not suggesting changing policy, but a few bootlegs shouldn't hurt anything. I know Solution .45 got a kick out of it.
Yeah I saw a few bands on Facebook pimping fan shot video of them at this years fest. Hopefully like Pat said it helps both the festival and bands to get more exposure.
I have to admit that I look forward to seeing the bootlegs. Helps to cope with the prog withdraw.

Are the prog power live DVD's available to purchase online? I saw the table at the show, though they didn't have 2010, which is the show I missed.
Also, did we record this year? Cause I will buy the fuck out of that DVD.
Also, did we record this year? Cause I will buy the fuck out of that DVD.

Lucid Lounge Studios did not record a PPUSA XIII DVD this year; however, Redemption, Mystic Prophecy and Kingcrow all filmed.

When I saw the kickoff Nightwish world tour in CA earlier in the year, afterwards I saw postings from Nightwish & Amorphis looking for videos from the show. Wish I would of known prior that they were ok with it. As for PP, it still not allowed, but I don't think Nightwish cares.

I did film the Gibson and part of the Key Club gig earlier this year. Since I was a fan of Dommin, I filmed most of their set, but I didn't have enough space for Amorphis/ I chose to capture NW.

I've never understood the hate for video recording, especially now when social media is constantly evolving. I film/share the experience for fans that want to remember, those that couldn't make it or people that are simply curious. In the end, if it's uploaded to the web it's great exposure for the bands, the venue and the festival.

Since last Thursday, I've had about 13k hits with the Kamelot/Nightwish videos I captured. I know it's not much by Justin Bieber standards, but it's still something.

Blabbermouth posted an article the next day regarding the Kamelot/Nightwish performance using my vids.

In regards to NW and film. Security did shut me down on Weds during Amaranth (had zero issues with Kamelot). So something definitely has changed. If they give me trouble in Anaheim, then I guess I'm done recording Nightwish.
Lucid Lounge Studios did not record a PPUSA XIII DVD this year; however, Redemption, Mystic Prophecy and Kingcrow all filmed.


Right on! I know I am superstoked to get the Mystic Prophecy set.
I was there for all 4 days, had the camera and capability to shoot video with high quality equipment, and not once, not even for a second did I think..."Hey, I could grab a bit of my favorite band on video..."
Glenn deserves more respect than that, even if for personal use. Because he and Jen were not concentrating on that this year, it still is what it is...No means no!
I often ask myself why people are ignorant idiots?

Thank for loosening the camera rules Glenn! I, for one, did not shit on your policies, and I really enjoyed being able to take photo's even if most of them suck! lol
I would have liked to shoot some video but I didn't even consider it out of respect for the rules. I'm involved in copyright law and generally feel live concert footage is a positive thing for the bands and often the concerts themselves. I know I personally enjoy watching shows that I couldn't possible attend. Still though, some artists or promoters don't like it and I respect that and help them get it taken down if desired.
In the end, if it's uploaded to the web it's great exposure for the bands, the venue and the festival.

You should probably let the bands, the venue and the festival be the judge of what's "great exposure" for them.

In my opinion you are nothing but a criminal! You should be punished for your crimes.

We took a few videos of Solution .45 and made sure with them that it was ok to post them on YouTube. They and their fans are thankful that we did. I also think that it's great exposure for the band as well as the festival. Not everyone has heard of ProgPower USA ;)
Some of these bands don't have videos (Lanfear is one of these) so I'm glad someone (not me) posted a couple of their videos to YouTube.

I'm sure some bands don't like it when these "pirate" videos hit YouTube, but I see it as exposure for the bands. It makes me like the bands even more.
The times, they are a changing and its the age of amateur video. As the times do change, versatility is the key to capitalize on this new found exposure. I believe that these videos can be used to an advantage and as free advertising for the fest. Free is good right? The main videos I would personally be concerned about , are the ones that show the entire fest. I can see where that would hurt profits if a DVD was to be sold. But this year, there is no DVD so a few videos on youtube will only help in the long run. We all have to conciser the longterm effects here for the fest. If you want new blood to continue, it is very prudent to follow the trends of the modern age and Glenn is a genius at that. This is a very smart move IMO. If you are going to survive you have to adapt and PPUSA is a survivor and a fighter.
You should probably let the bands, the venue and the festival be the judge of what's "great exposure" for them.

In my opinion you are nothing but a criminal! You should be punished for your crimes.


Claus... 2 thumbs up to you! You're words, while harsh, are true. Its a crime, plain and simple
I guess of this whole thing, what I don't get about the recordings, is that most of the time they look and sound like shit. I wouldn't want to watch any amateur videos, because it really lowers the quality of the performance and in ways can make the band, fest or venue even look band.
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