ProgPower video has hit youtube

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Douche? Really?
So... just to clarify... do I think the people who do this are douches? No. I never met them. They may all be as cool as the other side of the pillow. Do I think the behavior denotes a certain level of general douchebaggery? Indeed I do.

So you're bascially saying that zero footage from this last ProgPower is completely acceptable?
You are aware that it's not me saying this, it's the promoter who has said this. He's gone as far (in passed years) as giving away Gold Badges to people who turn in others shooting video. He finally gave up, because he was fighting a losing battle. But yeah... if the promoter worked as hard as he did to create a zero-tolerance policy towards such things, than yes, I would say zero is the acceptable amount.

Jesus, it's like you don't want these bands to succeed in the US.
You're making the assumption that YOU know what's best. That YOU know what will make them successful. YOU'VE decided, that YOU should step in, on behalf of the band, their management and the promoter, and post these videos. Can you share some empirical evidence, that these videos help these bands succeed in the U.S.?

Some of you come across like you have some "elitist" mentality because your favorite band is from overseas and you get to see them once a year when they tour the US.
We get to see them because we PAY to the see them. These are professional artists, who are all trying to earn a living from their music.
Have you stopped to think about the fact that maybe some of those people who don't agree with you actually have a stake in this business as opposed to being "fans" who have nothing to do other than bootlegging concerts and sharing them with the world?

No? Yeah, I didn't think so.

The day you actually know what you're talking about, then we'll talk. Until then, keep shooting your videos and posting them around.

Oh, and by the way, if during any of my tours an artist/promoter/myself ask for NO VIDEOS to be shot and you're caught doing that, I'll escort you out myself. If everyone is OK with it, then by all means do it. However, NO means NO. It's always nice to be respectful to the rules.

That almost sounds like a Paradox.

I'll continue shooting my videos and posting them. Thanks.

I think I'm done here. I think my last post says it all.
The question is; being that you recorded something, like a photographer taking a picture of a celebrity, does it fall under fair use because you're not selling it..

FYI, if you're on public property you're basically giving consent to having your likeness photographed and published. The only time you need a model release form is if you're in a private setting and then make a profit off pictures. There is a whole set of silly shit you must know, but none of it applies in any regards to this discussion.
That almost sounds like a Paradox.

I'll continue shooting my videos and posting them. Thanks.

I think I'm done here. I think my last post says it all.

Awesome. I'll shoot you a list of the upcoming tours/shows I'm putting together, some great stuff coming up. I'll also highlight the ones where I'll be present. I'll also make sure to list which ones video won't be allowed. If you choose to break that rule, I'll also make sure to personally drag your ass out of the venue. Thanks.

Again, if you have permission to do it, go right ahead. If I have permission, hell, even I do it. But when the rule is clear (NO) and you break it just because you apparently have a fetish for it, then you are indeed a douche.
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