ProgPower XI Predictions

Saxon - totally kill live!
Mind's Eye - A Gentleman's Hurricane was one of my top discs last year!
Cloudscape - longtime favorite!
Labyrinth - Waaay overdue
Adagio - Main reason for my first PP trip.. we need them back!
Hangar - I likes me some Aquiles Priester
RAGE - I can dream, right?
Guilt Machine - Get Arjen's butt out here so he can play some Ayreon!
Since, by then, Nightwish will not be touring (though I guess around then is when they start to work on the new album, from what I've heard, but they can let Marco go for a little while...), this could be the year for Tarot finally. I was just thinking about that a few minutes ago, because I was driving and listening to Crows Fly Black. I would love to see them, maybe this is the year.

Depending on whether or not Glenn liked Invisible Wounds or not, I could see Inmoria as an opening band I think. Would be absolutely awesome.

And, while I'm mentioning Inmoria, I'm also going to predict Morgana Lefay, because even if they're "on break" right now, I can still be hopeful.
Too bad we never got the chance to see Drive appear at ProgPower. Characters In Time was an awesome disc,and the singer is now dearly departed.

If you haven't yet heard Score to a New Beginning - check it out ASAP. This CD kicks ass. The problem though is that this CD was made with all guest musicians and vocalists... hmm.. .easier said than done, I guess! :lol:

If you haven't yet heard Score to a New Beginning - check it out ASAP. This CD kicks ass. The problem though is that this CD was made with all guest musicians and vocalists... hmm.. .easier said than done, I guess! :lol:

It is a great CD......Pathosray would be more feasible though :)
so far it looks like Falconer, Seventh Wonder, Wolf, Alkemyst, Anubus Gates, and Hibria.

Which would be one rocking festival with all them

I can only see one of the ones you mentioned, maybe two, and they are Seventh Wonder, and Anubus Gate.

Hibria is from Brazil, and unless like MINDFLOW, they already have visas in hand it is not likley.

I can see maybe:

VOLBEAT (Hoping)
TAROT (again Hoping, this maybe the year no NIGHTWISH touring)
SHADOW GALLERY (I put them down every year)

Mob Rules
Vanden Plas
Sym X


Seventh Wonder
Fair To Midland
Morgana Lefay
Porcupine Tree

Where do I sign up?

That's a kick ass show!
After some thinking, and browsing i think that there is one band everyone has forgotten to mentionthat might just be there as an opener or #2.