"Progressive Metal" is not a genre.

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I watched their DVD and was not impressed.

I love good choruses, good riffs, and good melodies...but I need to give them more of a listen. Not saying they don't have them, but they just seemed a bit too progressive.

Truthfully, Evergrey is the only recent prog band that I actually like and can listen to.

I'd rather listen to Pink Floyd or Genesis than most of these prog metal bands.

The DVD sucks because BE sucks. It is a crime to form an opinion of PoS just by BE. I shudder thinking of your impression of the band after just BE.
After my absence and upon return to these forums, this thread caught mah attenshun. All I have to say is; the song This Godless Endeavor is pretty fecking progressivelydiggity. Just my opinion.
TGE is nevermore's best album. fuck off!

Because they replaced their ambitious and unique style of metal with over-polished production and instrumental wankery?


Seriously speaking, TGE isn't a bad record, but it will never move me in the same way as the first three albums and the EP did. If you have a problem with this, fuck off. I don't have to like every NM album to be a fan.
Why would anyone have a problem with it? The fact that you needed to say so, without any provocation, probably points towards it bothering you.
He seemed to have a problem with it. Or maybe I'm just in a crappy mood and felt like bitching about something. Well, now you know.