Progressive Metal

Is progressive metal....

  • Awesome

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • Bearable

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Tedious

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Self Indulgent

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hey Madrigal......I don't know if I will ever get out on tour with Threshold...Steve S always seems to get in there first!

On the image front, nah I know you are just jesting with us....but wearing black can hide a multitude of sins if required! hehe!

Another day at the office.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz
I totally is the colour to wear!! 90% of my wardrobe is least!!!

Anyway to 'prog' matters...I have to admit over the last year or so I have been a bit remiss in my appreciation of all things 'prog'. I go through spells like that. However of late I have found myself revisiting my Symphony X collection and I'm really looking forward to The Odyssey. I suppose you could call me a fairly big SX fan.

I have recently started to get into Threshold and I have just ordered their new album.Should arrive tomorrow..hopefully!!

I'm a big Rush fan and have been for so many years that I won't divulge the number as last time I told someone when I attended my first Rush concert they said I didn't look that old.....guess that was compliment?????

As for prog prog...if you know what I mean.....I love all the old prog stuff....Floyd, Yes, Genesis, King Crimson.....and I love Marillion BTW:) Long post..rambling as
Hey DragonMaiden....Marillion are awesome! My personal fave is "Clutching at Straws" I reckon that's corker of an album!

It's great though when people think you are younger than you actually are. I've lost ocunt of the number of times that people have thought I'm somewhere under the age of 25....fine by me!

Yeah, the "old" prog stuff gets a fair work out round our house too...especially the Floyd, King Crimson etc

By the way, are you feeling better?
'Clutching At Straws' is one of my faves too. I think my all-time is still Script though. Most listened to at the mo is Anoraknophobia!! Love that album too! It's so hard to chose!

Feeling a bit better thanks....still coughing for England...should be back at work next Monday...don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. ...Probably bad..but at least I''ll stop spending money on CDs on the net!!!
I haven't actually got I can't really comment!
"Straws" is so cool I think because of the first 3 tracks that run into each..."Hotel Hobbies"...what a title!

Gla to hear the recovery is in progress.....even if it does bring about the return to work. I've got a day off tomorrow...can't wait!
As you can probably tell...I'm not that busy at work...haha!
Hey DragonMaiden!
First of all, it's nice to meet a fellow female into good metal music (I don't know that many!), second that I hope you'll get rid of that cough soon .... - and thirdly .... what a nice (long!) post of yours! :D
I feel myself in great company here - also of course with all the bands listed.... old 70s prog stuff.... YES PLEASE....and Marillion...oh YES....*rave*..... They belong to my favourite bands and I like every single album they have released (maybe I'm least keen on "Radiation"), so it is really difficult naming a favourite out of so many! Also I find the "feel" between Fish-Marillion and H.-Marillion is quite a different one - nevertheless I could not say which era I prefer, but according to my mood I just prefer one over the other.
How about you? Are you more into the "Fish-era", Symphony?
How about "Afraid of Sunlight"? I could cry every time I hear this album.... and the goosebumps!!!

OK.... and I won't ask how often and when you have seen Rush.... ummmmmuuuuaaaaargh..... I'm just *silently-and-horribly-green-with-envy* then...... for I've never seen them but would soooo LOVE to..... ah well..... but I'll ask instead what your faves are by them? And how do you like Vapor Trails?

And do tell us how you like "Critical Mass", DragonMaiden!

Gotta get on.... could chat for ages with you guys here... but unfortunately I am - unlike you lucky Symphony - rather busy at work most the time and cannot spend as much time here as I'd like to....
Well Madrigal....I'm a big fan of Fish-era Marillion (and Fish the solo artist too) but I do love "Seasons End" and "Holidays in Eden" as well.

I agree that the two ages of Marillion are indeed very different but sometimes it's almost like 2 different bands...which is cool. Although Messrs Rothery and Kelly give the game away really as their styles are so identifiable!

I guess I should at least pretend to be busy at work even if it is just to make you all fell better...."damn that lazy Symphony guy...jeez!" haha!
It is mainly due to the two (almost opposite) vocalists that Marillion got a totally different "feel" to their music I guess but you're right -- Rothery and Kelly do give it away, hehehehe... have you also heard Rothery's solo project "Carnival of Souls - The Wishing Tree"? It's with a female vocalist but you can always tell who's pressing the strings!!!

Fish solo-works .....umph.... WELL.... I find a lot of it boring to be honest.... what I REALLY love about Fish though is....
-- HIS LYRICS! Some of them are so way-way-way-out and wonderfully bizarre and just GREAT to sing along to, letting those words melt and twist your tongue...hehehehe...
Hi Madrigal.....I agree it is great to meet a fellow female metal fan. I have to say I do sometimes find myself....a) surrounded by testosterone...when I am with those who appreciate metal (is that a bad thing...not sure???) and b) considered slightly eccentric when I am with those who don't...:grin: So well met!!!

I have to say I totally agree with your comments about Marillion. I do almost view them as two totally different bands. As someone who has been a fan from almost the beginning.....I think I will give away my age now....I have a definite soft spot for the Fish era..but recently I find myself listening to the Hogarth era more and more!!

As for Rush it's hard to pinpoint a all time faves are Permanent Waves, Fly By Night, Moving Pictures and 2112!! You guessed it I prefer the earlier stuff but then I love it all. As for Vapor Trails I have to admit I haven't really given it a totally proper listen yet. On first listen I thought OK...but I presume it's a grower so I'll persevere.
Another long
It's proved a popular topic for debate this hasn't it? I haven't heard Rothery's solo project. Worth checking out would you say? Aye, Fish lyrics are something to behold aren't they? That's one of the best things about "Clutching at Straws"

"Hotel hobbies, padding dawns, hollow corridors
Bell boys checking out the hookers in the bar"

I take your point about some of the Fish solo stuff......although I think "Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirrors" is great!

Dragonmaiden....we'll try and keep the testosterone levels to an acceptable level!
Good topic!

I'm a prog nut! Marillion, Dream Theater, Symphony X and Planet X all rule! These bands have made essential prog masterpieces -

Marillion - "Seasons End" & "Brave"
Dream Theater - "Images and Words"
Symphony X - "V"
Planet X - "Universe"

I can't seem to get into Planet X's "Moonbabies" at the moment, the songs just don't seem to be there. Some great moments though.
Originally posted by dragonmaiden
Hi Madrigal.....I agree it is great to meet a fellow female metal fan. I have to say I do sometimes find myself....a) surrounded by testosterone...when I am with those who appreciate metal (is that a bad thing...not sure???) and b) considered slightly eccentric when I am with those who don't...:grin: So well met!!!

- Slightly eccentric when with those who are not into metal....

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA... ROTFL... you name it.... tell me, do you look anything "metal" - not as if it matters but would wonderfully increase the effect of the above quoted!

I have to say I totally agree with your comments about Marillion. I do almost view them as two totally different bands.

Two different bands. You name it. Never thought of it like that, but you are right! :D
Originally posted by Symphony I haven't heard Rothery's solo project. Worth checking out would you say? Aye, Fish lyrics are something to behold aren't they? That's one of the best things about "Clutching at Straws"

"Hotel hobbies, padding dawns, hollow corridors
Bell boys checking out the hookers in the bar"

I take your point about some of the Fish solo stuff......although I think "Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirrors" is great!

Dragonmaiden....we'll try and keep the testosterone levels to an acceptable level!

Well, the Rothery Solo project is not really *that* special actually - there's 3 tracks on it I really like and almost make it worthwhile. On the overall it is mainly acoustic stuff (quite pleasant female vox) that tends to sound the same after 3 tracks but still is very nice as background.

"...And the only sign of life is the ticking of the pen
Introducing characters to memories like old friends..."

.... Symphony, you *know* what I'm talking about!!! Cool! :D

I just *adore* the track "Incomplete" off "Raingods with Zippos" by Fish!
Otherwise of the solo-stuff... only got...erm... Exit to somethingwhatwasthat...? And am not too keen on it apart from maybe the first track ...erm...something-somethingwhatthehellthatwasthattitleagain?! *shame*

Concerning the over-population of males in the metal scene....
---- I think I've become immune towards testosterone by now! :lol:
Madrigal.....I suppose I do look 'metal'....long hair, black clothes, lots of silver jewellery etc. Certainly if I wear any colour other than black to work I always get a few comments. :lol:
I am also a female metalhead. There are not many true female metalheads but chics that are dating a guy into metal and all of a sudden she's a metalhead. LOL... NOT... But to you ladies.. Merry meet...... I am 30yo and been a metalhead since I was 12yo. No man got me into metal.... hehehe but the band was all men...hmmm does that count? LOL...... Take care.....MARY