Progwest mp3s


Skirt Wizard
Jul 31, 2002
Boston nee San Diego
I've just gotten started mixing down the ProgWest stuff. Spending quite a bit of time on it, so I'd love some feedback. Here's the first of them:

A Conception Pathetic

Let me know what you all think.

PS - this is the middlin' quality mp3. I could go lower if the file size is scaring people off, but I'd really prefer not to, as the thing will really start to suffer below this point...
It sounds great--Greg, I love your fucking solos, dude.

This mp3 is actually smaller than the studio mp3 ripped from the CD....I'd be down with you posting even better-quality versions if your server can handle it. At the very least, I'm eagerly awaiting more.
Actually, Greg - most of the out of tuneness belongs to another guitarist. In the interest of privacy will call him Josh S.W. No, that's too obvious. Let's call him J. Seipp-Williams. I had to spend about an hour retuning his D string in SoundForge. I couldn't get it perfect, but it's considerably less heinous now.

So it sounds OK? I'll keep workin' on it. Here's another one:

Undine and Underwater Flowers
a conception pathetic sounded great. the only part i didn't like was the lack of vocals on many parts, and that u cut out the piano outro.
undine is my favorite song by u guys, and it's just amazing live, i can actually understand what toby (it is toby right?) is saying.
keep em coming!
undine sounded pretty awesome sam. thank again! i have my own personal problems with some of the stuff i did but i am glad that my open improv solo did not suck as much as i left the stage feeling it had.

i'll give a buck to anyone who can guess the tv show theme song i quoted in that opening solo.