Progwest mp3s

I'm going to be back on them tonight. But there will be an interruption!

OK here's a quick version of the Secret Song. I think it sounds OK, tell me what you think needs improving.

The Secret Song

Some notes about this recording, if anybody is at all interested in my dorkery:

-The bass drum sound is just terrible. This is noone's fault, particularly not the recording engineer - but the kick drum is just this awful little click. I've got a pitch shifter and three tons of compression on it, not to mention excessive eq, and this is the best I could get it to sound, and the best I could get it to cut.

-Overall, the separation is really good, but there are a couple problems where bleed makes life difficult mixing this stuff. The horn mics are particularly problematic, that's why they tend not to be all that loud. In many cases Terran's clarinet mic picks up the stage volume of the guitars more than his clarinet. If I crank it to hear him, it spoils the rest of the mix. Sorry Terran.

-I don't have much experience mixing. I'm sure somebody else could do a better job, but I'm sure having fun.

-In particular with the secret song, the keys are just so goddamn piercing. They are totally dominating the house mics. I can't imagine how the audience's ears weren't fucking bleeding after hearing them.
I have no problem hearing any of this. But then again I'm listening thru headphones and anything I've ever mixed sounds great when I listen with my headphones, and god knows I don't have a clue what I'm doing (eg. the keys were not piercing at all). So I think it sounds pretty damn good, aside from the fact you really don't have a kick drum to work with. But that's the challenge of live recordings.
Yeah headphones seem to act like some kind of crazy compressors or something. Everything, unless it is *totally* buried in the mix, is really present and balanced-sounding, at least in my experience. When I first started getting into this stuff I thought "Why spend money on amps and monitors when you can spend so much less on a nice pair of headphones?" Such a bad idea. Headphones make everything sound better than it really is - I think they're mostly only useful if you have a really *shitty* pair that you use to test a mix against....
Maybe that's why they weren't cutin' mine ears apart.

Actually that keyboard sound is fine (the one right in the beginning before the smashy-smashy guitars come in). The really piercing stuff comes right after that. The first heavy riff of the song that Byron usually is singing over. It's like this all treble sparkly keyboard sound thing.....uck. It just cuts a little too well for its' own good.
I did one mix on headphones, popped it in in the car, and bought some monitors. I always throw on the headphones when I think I'm done with the mix. But yeah, that's just a reference. I generally check the mix on my home stereo, the car, headphones straight off of the recorder, and through my Playstation. In my experience, if it sounds good off the playstation, it'll sound good anywhere.
I did one mix on headphones, popped it in in the car, and bought some monitors.

That is very funny. Well put.

What kind of monitors do you use?

I got the age old standard: Yamaha NS-10Ms. I like them, but no bass response....and I'm using a fairly assy Alesis amp-but it wasn't horribly expensive, and I couldn't afford anything better...