Progwest mp3s

Listening to Birth Pains again, drunk. Excellent. I really need to see this Madelin of the Wall band live, whoever they are. They need to play Wisconsin sometime in the near or distant future. I have a hard time getting out to Cali and Baaaston.
Ok, this may be a drunken opionion...But even though the vox may be somewhat out of tune (I really only noticed cuz you pointed it out), I think you could give it an extra dB. I say this as someone who doesn't quite know the lyrics to this song yet. And I think if you would raise it a tad, just enough so you don't have to search for what's being sung, it would do well. As long as it's not the focal point of that particular section I don't think there would be a problem. Maybe you tried it already and it didn't work. It's hard to know without actually hearing it.

BTW, sorry to bring this up again, but I think the clean vocals add so much to the atmosphere of the song the way they're done. I had the same issue with MFP...ASC at times.
I'll totally give it a shot. There are some other little things I want to change (the cymbals are a little too shimmery for me, I need to shelve some high end off, and every once in a while the bass guitar pokes through the mix too much [do you know how hard you have to compress a bass guitar that's only being played via hammer-ons? It's absurd]) So I'll check out how that works.

They need to play Wisconsin
Milwaukee wasn't close enough?!?!
These are great,
Im suprised how similar all the sounds are, guitar tone and so on..

I wish i had hope of seeing this live sometime, but not much chance of you guys coming to australia! :/
Sam, here "catharsis of sea sleep and dreaming shrines"...

We all want that song live!
Make us happy!