project calendars/planning

firstly apologies for the BORING topic.

not sure how many people are into this kind of thing, but essentially I'm trying to find a calendar that I can sync with my assistant so we both know what's coming up.

neither of us want one that goes into the default iPhone calendar as they're both cluttered enough as they are and we both want one thats JUST work related.

need something where I can see what I have coming up project wise, and also as a way of recording a log of what I worked on on each day.

anyone using or can recommend something?
My entire company (160 people) runs off shared google cals; pair that with your app of choice for viewing it (iCal, Sunrise, Thunderbird, google's web calendar/Calendar app when they finally release it for iOS) and you should be set.

I don't think the interface is that bad this way, even going through iCal. I also manage shared calendars with my family and girlfriend the same way.