Promotheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise


follower of the blind
Mar 21, 2002
drapery falls, Israel.
I've seen some reviews on Emperor's last album, but couldn't decide whether it's worth buying.

some more data:
It's going to be my first Emperor album.
Couldn't find "In the Nightside..." nor "Anthems..." in the stores here. I'll probably buy them some other time, if I like this one.
Samoth (now Zamoth) has no influence on Prometeus at all.. All is written an d arranged by Ihsahn, but it is a cool album though. Much better than XI Equillibrium..

In The Nightside Eclipse % Anthems..... is definately Emperors best albums, and they are more grim and evil. I would look another time and hope they have these elder works, before I would buy Prometeus...
Don't start with Prometheus... I still can't stand it. Check a couple of online distros for the first two albums (check a review page on my site, then click on "recommended distros" for a few good ones.)

I put Prometheus aside for a while, hoping that I'll like it later...
Don't hesistate, just buy it! It's one of the best albums ever and the album of the year '01. (Even Ihsahn said that this one will forever be his favourite Emperor album)
Still, comments and opinions are pretty diverse here, too :confused: :)

Guess I'll know for sure only after I buy it. So far, I liked what I've downloaded from both nightside and promotheus.

Thanks, anyway :)
I agree. the best black metal release in history. Prometheus is good...not their best though. Get Anthems and Equilibrium firsthand.
Anthems is a really good cd but...the production in my mind is absolute shit...the bass drums and keyboards are too loud, u cant hear the guitars or bass, and the vocals are completely in the background, u have to pay major attention just to hear them...are all emperor cds like this?(its the only one i have)
Here is my experience:
I've been a fan since the release of their debut, and I must say that Prometheus is the one that took me a while to like. I listened to it a few times after I bought it but it gave me nothing. I put it away and started listening to it again after about 8 weeks or so - then, finally, it kicked ass.

In The Nightside Eclipse: A classic! The sound is not good but I think it sounds much more organic and black that way. It is very majestic (lots of A-choir synths) and national romantic. (A professor at the Bergen University in Norway even admitted that thir music was quite intelligent.. :D ). F***** great cover by Necrolord too.
Anthems TTWAD: Better sound on this one, but still in the same vein as before. Many powerful songs here.
IX Equilibrium: Actually leaning towards death metal in style and sound (quite different from the debut) A few surprises on this one too..
Prometheus: More experimental -> not strange it's hard to like at first.

Thus Spake The Nightspirit :Smokedev:
you should start with "In The Nightside Eclipse" or "Anthems To The Welkins At Dusk". Prometheus is a very good album as well, but very progressive and complex. however if you are into stuff like that you'll like it, it's one of the few albums I'd call a masterpiece!
Originally posted by The Wanderer
you're kidding right? i think the mix on that album is a work of genius. you have listen to a bunch to fully get it, i think. that's not a one time only album.
i dont know the mix on that album really pisses me off. ive listened to it several times and i like the songs but they are hard to get into when you cant hear the vocals.
Anthems is just a mindblowing album. The lyrics to The Loss and Curse and Reverence are just so awesome. It also took me a while to get into Prometheus. Then I kept listening to it, and it grew on me. Lots of albums have been doing that lately for me. The production for Nightside isn't that great. On a stereo, you can hear the vocals. But when I listen to it on my portable cd player, I can't even hear them.
i've been listening to promotheus almost constantly since tuesday (along with hypocrisy, which i bought the same day), and i couldn't have been more pleased with it. sounds like a masterpiece, indeed. (only time will tell...)
Quite a bore... I expected something better since they seemed to have gone way up from the crap that is Anthems to the goodness that is IX. ITNE or WotT is definitely their best though.