Promotional ideas to boost clientelle for studio


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
I'm sure most of you guys are getting business by word of mouth an such but what about those who started from scratch or those who are struggling for business?

I'm working at a newly built studio and bands coming in are a bit slow right now. Of course we haven't been open long or had anything killer yet but I was just thinking about it.

And shit
I started from scratch... it's been a while now but from what I can remember I just posted a few recordings I did of myself, my friends, etc... and word just spread somehow. looking back on it, I really have no idea what happened - I did the first few bands that came to me for super cheap and I worked really hard on them and then they just started pouring in from then on. still trying to work my way up to label contracts though.
local advertisements perhaps? maybe there is a "weekend" type paper like there is up here that has all of the nightlife, etc. post an ad in there!

Good luck to you man!

Thanks dude. What's great is the owner is putting all of his time/money into it (facility is already paid off) so all I'm doing is busting ass and driving 45 minutes but I need to pay the bills still haha. So only utilities are our only overhead.

I'm sure we'll be using alot of craigslist, I think we have a weekly paper that is aim'd at lifestyle with a big music section.

What about good old signs and shit? Maybe promote at a local venue or something?

[UEAK]Clowd;8879665 said:
I started from scratch... it's been a while now but from what I can remember I just posted a few recordings I did of myself, my friends, etc... and word just spread somehow. looking back on it, I really have no idea what happened - I did the first few bands that came to me for super cheap and I worked really hard on them and then they just started pouring in from then on. still trying to work my way up to label contracts though.

Right on dude. I'm always getting those guys who think 15 dollars an hour is too much :lol:

Hopefully we'll get serious acts at the studio.
I'm in the same boat (attracting clients). I'm even offering free services if the band covers the studio time (total of $375 for 30 hours) for tracking and not getting anywhere.

I got a referral today for mastering but had to turn it down because it was so below the basic level recording quality I would want to be associated with.
Go to local gigs, give out business cards.
Local advertisements.
Cool website with nice recordings and pictures.
Cool myspace with nice recordings and pictures.

.. just a few ideas there. ;)