Proper way to export from cubase!


New Metal Member
Mar 19, 2011
Question! say I want to export a session I have recorded to get mixed by someone. what is the best way to export all the tracks so they are in time and also labeled correctly :). thanks in advance for any and all help. if anyone wants to pm me to help me out as well it would be very much appreciated
You were on Cubase 5.5 if I recall, so when you go to export audio mixdown, you'll note there's a "channel batch export" checkbox in the top left corner and you can tick which channels you want to export. They will export based on the channel name and the prefix you choose on the right side of that menu. Cubase 6 gives you more options for the file naming.

I also recall some nuances with the export such as mono tracks going out as stereo if they have been routed to any stereo group, etc. There is a checkbox for mono export as well but I think it may be greyed out in 5 if there is any stereo routing.
Have you considered exporting your project as an omf file? Check the manual about that cause it´s really handy way of moving projects.