Cubase export at too low of a volume


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2011
Hey guys, well the title sort of says it all. When I mix something in Cubase it's at a nice volume not too quiet. But when i export it to a .wav it becomes like way too quiet to listen to. Do you guys know why that is?
This happens to me in Reaper as well.

Good volume, render down, open wav or mp3 in, say, Windows Media Player, and it's much quieter.

I don't think the audio is physically rendered quieter, I think it's the "headroom" of whatever player you use to play music.

I think it's something to do with interface/monitors being used in the DAW/ASIO setting compared to using interface/monitors as default soundcard in the OS.

But I could be totally wrong here. Too much "think" and not enough know.
I'd also say it's the volume in your player you play the file with after rendering.
What soundcard do you have? What OS?
There is some audio settings surely and volume for your player is turned down a bit.
Right that's what I had originally thought, but while im exporting the track I normally listen to some music (hopefully i'm not the only one who does that) and on my computer in the studio I just click songs and open them up in Window Media Player and listen through my monitors. When the song is done exporting I double click the .wav without adjusting the volume from the previous song, and it is much much quieter.

I use a Presonus Firestudio Tube as my interface, it is my main output so while it is on, all the sounds come though it. My OS is Windows 7.

that speaker symbol, second from right. press it and see if every player there is at 100%
Also Media Players volume must be 100% then it should work.

This is what it looks like playing one of Joey's mixes.


And this is playing one of mine. They were just about the same volume when I played mine in Cubase. But this is exported.
Itunes and WMP do it, whereas VLC does not do anything to the sound. It was something Sturgis showed me a while back and provided examples. I didn't save any of them just saw the proof and went on with my life using VLC or monitoring through my DAW
If you have control room enabled, and you are using the same output pair for monitors as you are using in VST connections for stereo out, you're doubling the output and hearing twice the volume. Try disabling control room if you don't use it, or just set the output to something else under VST connections.
It was totally the control room problem. Thanks everyone. Now i have to figure out how to make my mixes louder.