Prospekt - UK Progressive Metal


New Metal Member
Mar 8, 2011
Hey Guys,

First post here, so I'd thought I'd share a link to my bands music...It's very much inspired by bands like Symphony X, Dream Theater and Pain of Salvation, so hopefully you guys will dig it!

and a guitar solo video! :)

It would be really cool to get your thoughts on the music! Look forward to hanging out on the forum...

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I'd love to comment on your music! First, DUDE how old are you? In the video you look like a teenager! Sick chops for such a young guy! I thought each song was quite strong. I like songs that you can tell took some time to put together, not just a bunch of crap! Each song held my attention to the very end with me then saying, "Is it over already?" The absolute ONLY criticism I have is that I'd like to hear a little fatter snare sound and more low vocals as a break from all the high stuff. Great job! Can't wait to hear more!
Excellent stuff Lee! Killer chops you've got there too! Nice choice with the Engl BTW :D

The production actually sounds really good, but I haven't listened to it on anything other than my crappy laptop speakers. I'll relisten on my studio monitors for a better experience.

Good call on the Nevermore / Michael Eriksen Milton! I also hear some "djent"ige in there as well.
Killer tunes! Could almost do with some more harsh vox. Your singer looked a little bored in your live video from youtube ;)

Definitely can't wait for your full release.
These guys have made it to album time. Should be lapped up by the progsters. The vocals are a little odd sounding next to the music but you'll get used to it by the middle of the song. Musically they kick butt.

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Best album of 2013 for me. It combines the riffage of SymX's Odyssey and V with a higher- pitched singer, more of a DeYoung range. Fans of Vox Tempus, new Tesseract and The Quest will have a vocal range point of reference.

I honestly would like to hear this guy in a lower octave at times, but overall this is awesome stuff. Go to their bandcamp and sample eberything.
I remember seeing an ad in the ProgPower program book for these guys. The free EP on their bandcamp site is still available. I just went and downloaded it and checking it out now. This is pretty sweet. I'll have to go grab the full album.


"...Laser’s Edge division Sensory Records recently announced the re-emergence of UK-based Prospekt, as the band completes their textured second album, The Illuminated Sky. Closing a four-year void since the release of their lauded The Colourless Sunrise debut, the follow-up will see release this July..."
