Protestors had "enuf" with Spelling Bees


Mikey B Nasty
Apr 15, 2008
New York
Spelling Bee Protest

This is just plain stupid. The English language is suffering enough from the texting epidemic and all the shorthand lingo and acronyms, do we really have to alter the dictionary to dumb it down for society? I mean I can understand limiting the amount of letters to type in a text or IM, but to actually change the official spelling of these words is preposterous. It's all downhill from here folks.
Every time I hear something about Northern Virginia in the news I cringe.

Lorena Bobbit. Local.
DC Sniper. Killed a person at my favorite gas station.
Drowning Pool Dave Williams killed himself on the bus as it was parked 2 blocks from where I was working.
Virginia Tech shooting. Local. The killer was raised in my area and went to my local high school.

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There was an American girl at my school who decided to correct my spelling of Colour (Insisting there isn't a u... which is rude at best).
She then had to audacity to say to me "Excuse me! It's MY LANGUAGE! I think I'd know."

Then after a brief history, geography and sociolinguistic lesson was shocked that there is American "English" and British English (You know... where England is).

Thus, this article doesn't surprise me.

Edit: For those of you who don't know. I'm British.
There was an American girl at my school who decided to correct my spelling of Colour (Insisting there isn't a u... which is rude at best).
She then had to audacity to say to me "Excuse me! It's MY LANGUAGE! I think I'd know."

Then after a brief history, geography and sociolinguistic lesson was shocked that there is American "English" and British English (You know... where England is).

Thus, this article doesn't surprise me.

Edit: For those of you who don't know. I'm British.

Chip chip cheerio fancy a cup o' crumpet?
There was an American girl at my school who decided to correct my spelling of Colour (Insisting there isn't a u... which is rude at best).
She then had to audacity to say to me "Excuse me! It's MY LANGUAGE! I think I'd know."

Then after a brief history, geography and sociolinguistic lesson was shocked that there is American "English" and British English (You know... where England is).

Thus, this article doesn't surprise me.

Edit: For those of you who don't know. I'm British.

...On behalf of my country, I apologize :cry::cry::cry:
Anyone here ever see the film Idiocracy?

I suppose that movie's premise is happening faster than we thought.