Protools 10 to 11 Upgrade


Jan 24, 2012
Protools 10 to 11 Upgrade is $300.00. That's completely insane for the people who have recently bought protools 10. Especially considering that the improvements made for 11 could have probably just been implimented with 10. Obviously this is the way they do things, but for some reason the protools 10 to 11 upgrade feels like the biggest rip yet. I was looking forward to 11 but considering i paid $700.00 for version 10 a year ago, a simple 99.00 or at most 199.00 would have been realistic. Not trying to be a protools basher I love protools, but with Reaper and other daws out there you think that avid would watch their pricing a little more. Not to mention the RTAS AAX hassles that will arise.

Sorry for the rant, my 2 cents.
And this is why I have never used ProTools.

I've seen people swear by it and kinda swing off PT's nuts a bit. I don't understand what makes it so much better than other DAWs.

Proud REAPER user here.
Note i said "probably", Can you explain why this is wrong? and not a just a slow play by avid. 64 bit existed when 10 was released, so did aax. Am i missing something? So you agree that avid should charge version 10 users 300.00 again?
Pro Tools 11 is built on a whole new engine, "AAE". I'm pretty sure they had to basically re-do the entire program. And if you bought Pro Tools 10 after a certain date, you get the 11 upgrade for free.
They've had to re-code the entire audio engine to work in 64 bit, which in turn has gave us the greater efficiency, offline bounce etc that we just couldn't have had under the old 32 bit program. It's not exactly a small job, and with Avid laying off staff the way they are it's not a case of they could have just threw it all in with the PT10 update.
Plus they had to give people warning and a transition period that they were moving to the new AAX format, and even with that I still read stuff from idiots all over the internet saying "What do you mean RTAS plugs won't work anymore!? Why didn't you tell us?" <Die

Admittedly I think 10 should have been WAY cheaper than it was, or even should have been a free 9.5 update, leaving the big move to 64 bit to be version 10.
I completely agree Trevoire520, Thanks for clearing this up. I just feel like i took the plunge for 700.00, now a year later they want another 300.00. To me that's over 1000.00 spent in one year to stay current with Avid, thats way to much money. I thought waves was bad enough. They sure made 10 seem like it was going to be "the way" for quite some time to come, i guess im just having trouble keeping up with the speed of releases, it honestly seems like once i finally get a rig I like to use and it's stable, it becomes obsolete. Frustrating.
They've had to re-code the entire audio engine to work in 64 bit, which in turn has gave us the greater efficiency, offline bounce etc that we just couldn't have had under the old 32 bit program. It's not exactly a small job, and with Avid laying off staff the way they are it's not a case of they could have just threw it all in with the PT10 update.
Plus they had to give people warning and a transition period that they were moving to the new AAX format, and even with that I still read stuff from idiots all over the internet saying "What do you mean RTAS plugs won't work anymore!? Why didn't you tell us?" <Die

Admittedly I think 10 should have been WAY cheaper than it was, or even should have been a free 9.5 update, leaving the big move to 64 bit to be version 10.

Precisely this. I paid $300 to upgrade to 10 in January. I'm not going to fall in the free upgrade timeline AFAIK. I'll be waiting a year or so to upgrade anyway, just to make sure all that I'm using has been upgraded to AAX.

I'm also still on Snow Leopard I think, and I'm pretty sure you have to upgrade the OS too. Meh.

They did come out with PT 9, 10 and 11 in pretty quick succession. Seems like every fucking time I turn around, there's another $300 PT upgrade.
To be honest, this is why people who upgraded to 9 felt shafted when they took out 10 not long after. The changed from 9-10 could've been implemented on a 9.2 or something, but they wanted another £200-£300. I held off upgrading as I knew this(11 being released so soon)is what would happen. And I was right to do so, I can upgrade for the same price as if I had version 10 as I can from version 9.

I don't think I missed too much in 10, but I'll be glad to have some of those features in 11 (when I do eventually upgrade)

The new engine is exciting me as well as offline bounce. Fuck me I'm sick of crashes when bouncing.

As for the inevitable Pro Tools hate.. go suck my balls!
Don't forget that besides the complete rewriting, Pro Tools, unlike Cubase, Reaper etc, was historically tied to HARDWARE cards (HD and TDM systems), and those systems were not designed to be 64 bits. They have always said 10 was a "transition" version, that 11 would be 64 bits and not compatible with the older hardware and the very old RTAS plugin format. Also, if you don't want to upgrade, nobody is forcing you to (and I would advice against upgrading just yet). Some users are still using version 8 (or even earlier) and happy about it. And my last comment would be that, well, yeah, if you buy a software or upgrade more than a year after its release, chances are the next upgrade is not far :) That being said, yeah, Avid price policy is definitely questionable...
I Still use Pro Tools 9.
Everything sounds great,very familiar with the configuration.I'm interested on PT11 but not right now,since everything works perfectly with PT9
Kind of a joke TBH. They shouldn't have even released 10 in the first place if they were going to come out with 11 a few months later. Just fix the problems with 9 and release 10 with 64 bit support. Greedy bastards.

Oh well, glad I bought the education version this time, cause I knew this was going to happen and there was no way I was paying their insane upgrade fees again.
Honestly, if you look at their stock over the past 5 years I think you will see why they are trying to squeeze everyone's wallet. I will probably upgrade, but definitely not before their legal troubles are over. I wouldn't want to upgrade and then they go bankrupt and bought by a company that doesn't offer support or something.
It's too expensive, I agree, but at the same time I'm definitely going to upgrade. But I'm waiting until at least Slate releases AAX versions of their plugins, I'm not going to upgrade to a PT version where only the stock plugins work.
What Avid did with the transition from 9 to 11 makes complete sense. They wanted to move from from 32bit to 64 bit (which everyone was bitching about them doing). If they just went straight to 64 bit and dumped TDM and RTAS for AAX then you'd end up with a lot of extremely p!ssed off plugin manufactures.
Technology moves on, you don't have to upgrade, you're old PT system won't stop working when 11 gets released.
What Avid did with the transition from 9 to 11 makes complete sense. They wanted to move from from 32bit to 64 bit (which everyone was bitching about them doing). If they just went straight to 64 bit and dumped TDM and RTAS for AAX then you'd end up with a lot of extremely p!ssed off plugin manufactures.
Technology moves on, you don't have to upgrade, you're old PT system won't stop working when 11 gets released.

That much is obvious. What we're saying is they didn't need to charge us for both updates, which amounts to at least $600 in upgrade fees in less than a year. Makes perfect sense what they're doing, but they're also raping us in the process. I won't be going to 11 for about another year anyway, so whatever. I just wish it was a little less expensive.
$300 isn't much money for all the work they did making it a 64 bit program! once all the developers have my aax plugins ready to go ill definitely be switching over.
People complaining about 300.00 need to just go download reaper or something and never open a real studio, because you honestly piss and shit 300.00 on stuff every month. Protools helps me to afford all my bills, so I have no problem throwing out 300.00 on a SICK upgrade to 11.

You people should know by now that if you buy software, they might just release a new version at some point, and you will not get it free or cheap. Not the case with all software company's, but you should still know this and expect it regardless.