Prove your worth to myself and MFJ. Failure will result in Permaban.

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I just spoke with Ali. He has given Maximus Fucking Johnson and myself full control of who will post on Royal Carnage from here on out. So if you wish to stay and contribute to this lovely forum, post something of extreme value below. Preferably music related, but we'll settle for some humor that will make us bellow.

But God damnit, you only get one chance, or off the plank you will go!

Let the games begin! Ali, sticky this. You have 24 hours to prove your worth.

met an older woman at a bar last night.

She wasn't bad for 57, we drank and bullshitted a bit, then she asked if

I'd ever had the 'sportsman's double', a mother and daughter 3 some?

I said no.

We drank a bit more. Then, she says that tonight was my lucky night.

We went back to her place.

She put the hall light on and shouted upstairs:

"Mom you still awake?"
Might as well post my old Morningrise review - my formal entry into the world of Royal Carnage:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And so the journey begins, a disc that would change the way I look at music forever, expanding my horizons in so many unforgettable ways; showing me that a piece of music does not have to be simple to be memorable, nor formulaic to be magical.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sweden's OPETH are by no means strangers to the underground metal scene, having developed quite a cult following since their first release back in 1994. Their first two albums 1994's Orchid and 1996's Morningrise are quite different from their later works, the band having undergone both style and lineup changes beginning with 1998's My Arms, Your Hearse. But if Morningrise was to be the last testament to their original sound, it could not have been a more fitting one.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There really is no way to adequately categorize the style of music heard here, only that each song is a progressive, hypnotic musical journey of at least 10 minutes in length, utilizing both harsh and clean vocals, haunting acoustical passages, thunderous riffs, beautifully poetic lyrics and song structures that defy the very definition of the word "structure". There are no big choruses, no numbered verses, no catchy hooks or bridges, no boundaries of any kind; only 4 amazingly talented musicians playing from their soul from beginning to end. You simply never know what to expect. You can be standing alone on a hillside in the moonlight, desperate, agonizing and tormented over the loneliness, then suddenly be taken on a soft, majestic passage flying through wooded fields, a peaceful place now lost in a far faded memory. These types of transitions and imagery are seamless and occur the first note of the album to the last. Sometimes, if you are not familiar with the different songs, it's even hard to tell where one ends and the next one begins, and yet there are an infinite amount of emotions displayed in every passage. And each emotional journey is portrayed as vividly as the next; it's really up to the listener to discover them all.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The musicianship is top-notch, with each instrument (including the vocals) having a chance to wander in their own direction. In one sense, the songs are almost like "jam sessions" (albeit not nearly as raw) where everyone does their own thing and the final product isn't really meant to have any cohesion whatsoever. In another sense, the songs are woven together as if by some grand design where, after the final product is accomplished, the vision becomes clear with crystallized clarity. The vocals are incomparable and are perfect for the moods displayed on the album. Mikael Akerfeldt (main singer/songwriter/2nd guitar) is one of the best growlers on the planet no matter what pitch he chooses to sing in. On Morningrise, he utilizes a higher pitch than the more "traditional" death metal growls that would follow on later releases. And the clean vocals show just how versatile a singer he is. The bass work of Johan DeFarfalla is also phenomenal. As far as I'm concerned, this guy is a world class player. The bass isn't just about keeping the rhythms of the songs together here, it's about branching out and creating totally original, memorable lines that add to the uniqueness of the sound. It's such a shame that this album would prove to be his swansong with the band (taking nothing away from the talent of the current lineup), as the bass sound would also move to a more "traditional" style following this album. Of course, it would be a crime to not also give proper credit to Peter Lindgren (lead guitar) and Anders Nordin (Drums) for their contributions to this masterpiece. Dan Swano must also be mentioned for his wonderful production oversight and engineering efforts. His always steady guiding hand is clearly evident here.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The following three passages from the album are some of the greatest pieces of music I have ever heard in my entire life:[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]- "Advent" - from the 8:11 mark to the 9:20 mark
- "Nectar" - from the beginning of the song to the 1:33 mark
- "Black Rose Immortal" - from the 12:21 mark to the 14:48 mark[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In closing, this is an album that took every conventional idea I had of what makes great music and cast those notions aside forever. The true power behind the greatest music comes from within; from the power of originality, where you are limited not by tradition or by someone else's idea of what will sell, but by the boundaries of your own imagination. This is an essential and timeless classic. This is my favorite album of all time.[/FONT]


-Dark One
I'm buddy-buddy with MFJ

I know the CanaryOfBodom.

I did graphic formatting work for the first Noltem tape and put the wood textures into the logos

I'm the freakin' Moose

I know Latin

I do not know girls

Quod erat demonstrandum