Provocative thread: Which band cancels next?


Apr 17, 2005
Of course hopefully none.
Rene put together an excellent line-up, despite all disagreeableness. :worship:
Really looking forward to the festival.
Heineken will miss deliver the bier for the weekend:lol::OMG::lol:
so we get lucky and gets a small regional brouwerij named Cambrinus Bierbrouwerij from Horst aan de Maas to deliver some tasty ones:saint:

_-_-_-> :p
Yes, we were listening to Wolverine last night and I just realised how awesome the lineup really is! Here are my problems/predictions:

Problem: Waking up in time for breakfast without Legana bouncing awake at 8am and then poking everyone until they are forced to get moving.

Prediction: At least one band will have a singer with a head cold.

Prediction: The coffee will run out and since the Kasteel is short staffed a number of us will have to go to the venue without :cry:

Not A Problem: One of the bands will forget power adapters or something silly and there will be a controlled panic as Rene and his team save the day.
You were prolly distracted by some blonde finnish hunk and weren't paying the proper attention that this forum deserves, were you Kirsty? :p

Problem: Getting those fins to share the whiskey I'll be bringing for them
Problem: Waking up in time for breakfast without Legana bouncing awake at 8am and then poking everyone until they are forced to get moving.

Well, THAT can be arranged:Smokin::Smokin::Smokin:

Prediction: The coffee will run out and since the Kasteel is short staffed a number of us will have to go to the venue without :cry:

Don't worry, no one will have to go without caffeine the entire weekend since it's still possible to pick up the missed coffee at the venue. (That's what I do in order to get in time)
If Threshold were to cancel then maybe Damian Wilson could play some acoustic solo works?

"...have you ever smoked homegrown, I used to live in a house of my own..."
QUOTE=russel;7599523]Well, THAT can be arranged:Smokin::Smokin::Smokin:

Haha, that might actually work! However, since I actually like mornings better than late nights, can I borrow her from 11pm to 2am? ;)

Don't worry, no one will have to go without caffeine the entire weekend since it's still possible to pick up the missed coffee at the venue. (That's what I do in order to get in time)

Ohh, good idea! For some reason I associate the venue with beer instead of coffee :oops:

You were prolly distracted by some blonde finnish hunk and weren't paying the proper attention that this forum deserves, were you Kirsty? :p

Hey now, be fair! That was posted from work, so I wasn't giving work or the forum the attention it deserves - jag studerar svenska här :lol:
You are?
...and just for me? how sweet of you... :saint:

Ja, jag älskar du och jag reser til PP bara för du... tack sa mycket och hon ringer. Ha, you thought that was actually going to make sense, didn't you? :Smokin:
Haha, that might actually work! However, since I actually like mornings better than late nights, can I borrow her from 11pm to 2am? ;)

Hey now, be fair! That was posted from work, so I wasn't giving work or the forum the attention it deserves - jag studerar svenska här :lol:

The little one woke up at 3:58 this morning:loco:

Ooh, svenska:)

Vi kanske ska prata lite om Dan Erland:headbang:?