Provocative thread: Which band cancels next?

worldwide customer has chosen PP weekend to seperate their productionenvironment into two (europe/asia/africa) --- american

Of course I said I'll be there for them, wouldn't you?
You told them you'd be all over the europe bit and in order to have full recognition of the europe concept you volunteered to go to Holland by means of denmark and germany and try out several european beers, right?
As you can tell, my workplace is lacking in the work department. Meanwhile, I can say Var bor du? and Var liggen nämaste bil bla°? :)
I actually accomplished travel coordination conversations in French this morning and did a cost estimation for a mission en français... plus bought a coffee club card and am now working through Lesson 1 of my Swedish book, so all-in-all a pretty busy non-work day!

Tonight is even more busy. A glass of red wine and a bubble bath. *sigh* What a rough day.
well have fun.
I'm going to my sisters place to look after her son for the evening.

I have a feeling this conversation is starting to be a bit offtopic :D
Off topic... yeah me canceling the show.....

I told them I might answer the phone if they call & I hear it ring *s*

Been longing for this weekend a year now, only a major family tragedy would stop me from comin'
Please give the Lady Riika a kiss upon her fair hand, although such a trifle of an affection is nowhere near suitable for such a rare flower among the weeds ;)