Provocative thread: Which band cancels next?

Cyberfloat, I think you're officially "in" to the single malt club at PP ;) I'm not sure what I'll be drinking. Now that the weather is getting cooler I've stopped wanting beer and have been thinking about heavier red wines. 1-2kg per day should do the trick!
I had such a bad flu last year that I managed to have something like 3 beer and 1 whiskey drink before switching to cold medication only. It must almost be PP because I woke up today stuffy and am getting progressively more sick as the day goes on :ill: :waah:
I have a bit of work this afternoon, but have to take a trip downtown at lunch. It's an OK way to spend an hour. I'll probably leave 30 minutes early and diving under a blanket at home for a nap.
I just had my spaghetti! We bought a pasta press on the weekend and made our own spaghetti noodles. Leftovers are the best food ever :D
Bah is it still 17 days? mattias is right indeed...

To get this thread back on topic, I got 2 cancellations to report: my gf and my buddy from spain won't be attending, unfortunately. My gf and I can't afford more than two tickets back and forth a year atm with all the other expenses we got going on, my ticket overthere this past july/august and her ticket to come over for new years. Planning to have her over for Progpower next year, though :)
My buddy from spain is in some financial rough times and couldn't really afford to go either.

On the bright side, I managed to convince a few (young) dutch buddies of mine to come, so Kirsty and Kalle can spank them instead!
Perhaps we can buy BEvERages here just to have something for the train; we travel through Germany and cross into the Netherlands around Dusseldorf. Switzerland should be open and we probably have time at the Basel train station for last minute stops.

On a food related note, what time does the grocery store in Baarlo close on Friday and Saturday? 6pm?