Pseudo Noob Tube Question


May 26, 2010
Dayton, Ohio
Have a Randall RH50T head. Has 2 Ruby 6L6 power tubes in it. As I have uncovered, the earlier versions of this head were wired for 2 EL34s. Now I guess it is wired for 6L6s. I have 2 EL34 Mullard re-issue tubes at work
that I have wanted to try. My question is will they work in my head so long
as they are properly biased? Or do I have to have the head rewired? Resistors
and such? I play Metal but also dabble in Jazz and Fusion, otherwise a Mullard
tube would not be my first choice. Any thoughts/advice? Sorry if the question is too noobish. I only know enough about tubes to screw something up.