PT 10 Delay Compensation Issue


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Hey guys,

I've been mixing in PT10 for quite a while now but for some reason every session I create where im using programmed drums the delay compensation goes mental. I can't put anything on the master otherwise the drums drop behind...I have to "disable" the master delay...but generally it's not feeling that tight. Certain sections I start noticing maybe the bass or kick out of time slightly...this isn't something I want to carry on with so I thought id ask for any suggestions on the matter. I also have to kill the DC on any amp sim tracks I have running, however even with real guitars I still have this problem. It's pretty much MIDI drums VS instruments =\

Is there something in the options that I should tweak as i've never had these problems until now? Sounds like its not compensating the channels correctly at all.

Windows 64 bit, Profire 2626, delay compensation maxed *but using nowhere near the max currently*
Do you have a lot of parallel bussing?

Nope, I read up on this subject and it was said that was the common issue.

Even with just MIDI drums using separate instrument tracks and a bass split into 2 tracks I still get issues.

I've been bussing like crazy in other sessions without an issue. No idea why it's decided to take a shit now :S

I'm also pretty concerned as I have a full on project coming up shortly which involves MIDI drums *facepalm*
Actually I did have a para comp track on the drums (something I never do these days but I thought id give it a try)

I just deleted it and it's really helped...everything is in time as long as I switch the DC on the master bus off.
The only issue I've had is if I go bus to bus. For example if I had a few kicks all going to a bus then a parallel bus going from that. Even that works fine most of the time.
Low Buffer - Tracking
High Buffer - Mixing

Should be fine at 128 for tracking, 1024 mixing. Although i generally use 64 tracking and 2048 mixing. Depends on your cpu.

\m/ \m/
Might explain why my recording is going down late however is it "normal" when using a drum VST you can't have anything that introduces delay on the master bus? =\
Make sure you are using your interface and not the internal soundcard. You can do this with protools 10.

If your system isnt capable of real time then print the tracks first. Im not really sure what the issue is?

Tracking = Low Buffer
Mixing = High Buffer

For example, I know that i can't use drumagog at low buffer cause it fucks up. So i don't do it, simple.
The soundcard and the buffer is fine ive used them for years...only now is something starting to happen. If I have say superior drummer and a bass track mixing, if I put plugins on the master bus the drums fall out of time. This is with the buffer set to max (for mixing)
Dunno if it would fit your workflow, but I always bounce midi drums to wav from cubase, not to have to fuck around with midi in PT & because I hate mixing with Midi instruments in the session.
That should fix your problem, and if you dont want to change the midi anyway, why not commit?
I usually don't change the midi during the recording process, cause I like to track to "humanized" drums more than to 100% on grid drums.
Eats more hard disk space of course, but saves me a lot of hassle...I guess it became a habit for me, cause my old pc wasnt strong enough for tracking with mididrums at a low latency anyway. Now I do it because I don't like to work with midi in PT.
Yeah man, since it's my own stuff im always thinking about changing stuff. That's a bit of a bugger with me!

But as I said on FB I've "hopefully" found a way around it....otherwise as you say i'd probs have to commit and bounce the drums down.
I'm glad that I'm still used to just bounce out wavs for the drums....saves me a lot of time in the end haha
Hope it will continue to work dude!