PT LE Manual plugin delay compensation

Parka Dez

Jun 30, 2009
So I recently purchased Trigger, but having a few minor issues.

The plugin causes 528 sample of delay (so say PT LE) but I was having slight issues with it lining up with the original kick drum. I bounced the two tracks out via an Aux to see what the delay actually was, and it seemed like it needed to be pulled back a further 96 samples (around 2ms).

So that seems to have fixed it, and I'm not getting any issues, but does that really mean I need to record out to an aux to work out the plugin delay each time? If so...that is a pain in the ass.
Bizaro, could be whatever the playback engine is causing the problem.
if you bus the track to another input; it SHOULD compensate when its recorded; although it won't sound like it monitoring it.
I haven't used trigger in anger yet; as after having downloaded it, my fucking Macbook Pro died.
So i've had to dig up my G4 quicksilver(speedy!) and start downloading again.
Gotta load to do next week, so i'll see
You and I should hang out some time. Maybe have a drink or two, discuss our woes....who knows what could happen next.
in fairness... the computer I have just been trying trigger on... is a G4 Quicksliver. as my Macbook Pro just died.
And trigger spazzed out in logic and Pro tools.
Not triggers fault i dont think..
remember using it on my laptop and it working GREAT
Are you running your session at 44.1 or 48? I initially shifted it back 11 ms (528samples at 48) then need to shift it back another 2ms. That was as close as I could get it.
Edit - Im wondering why the issue isnt clear in the first place. As in the wrong display of plugin delay. Don't really want to spend money on it in all honesty. Cheers though.
threads like this make me question the sanity of ptle users, they are like a digital form of masochists
this is wierd.
on my g4 i was auditioning with just one sample; not a slate instrument and the triggering was terrible.Missing hits, out of time etc (it was like using drumagog ;-) )

Then I installed the Proper Tci's
Got some wierd error about them not being there or something.
Quit pro tools, restarted;
Set my buffer to 512
loaded up an instrument from the slate library.

Nudged the track back by 11 ms
VOila; triggering perfectly with default settings after juicing up the input gain.